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Pacientų, sergančių cukriniu diabetu, požiūris į individualios burnos higienos ypatumus

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dc.contributor.author Jankauskaitė, Gintė
dc.date.accessioned 2019-02-25T12:35:14Z
dc.date.available 2019-02-25T12:35:14Z
dc.date.issued 2018-06
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/974
dc.description Diabetes mellitus is one of the most rapidly spreading and the most worrying diseases. Globally,anestimated422millionadultswerelivingwithdiabetesin2014,comparedto108millionin 1980 (World Health Organization, 2016). Diabetes mellitus causes a variety of complications, that hurts human body: the diseases can damage eyes (cause glaucoma, cataracts evenblindness),kidneys, nervous system, hurts circulatory disease (ischemic heart disease, atherosclerosis, stroke), cause injurings in the mouth (Asmat and oth., 2016, Sayin and oth., 2015). The aim of the study - to determine the attitude of patients with diabetes mellitus to the peculiarities of personal oral hygiene. Tasks to achieve the aim of the study: to base theoretically diabetes influence on oral health, to reveal regular oral hygiene habits and to reveal the attitude of patients with diabetes mellitus to the peculiarities of personal hygiene. Working methods: analysis of scientific literature, questionnaire, descriptive statistics. A quantitative study was carried out. The purpose of the survey use is find out how many people feel certainsymptomsofdiabetesmellitusintheirmouthsandhowtheycaretheirteeth.Thestudyinvolved 129 individuals aged 10 to 50 years and over. According to the analysis of scientific literature, it can be stated that when sick diabetes mellitus are higher risk to fallsickperiodontaldiseases,caries,oralcandidosis,toloseteeth,tofeelthe dryness of the mouth and burning mouth syndrome, changed taste. Analysis of scientific literature revealedthatit’simportanttovisitadentistordentalhygienist for professional oral hygiene and preventing check-upsalsotofollowtheprinciplesofindividualoral hygiene. The study revealed the opinion of respondents about caused and feeled changes by diabetes mellitus. The research results showed how respondents follow to the principles of personal oral hygiene. en
dc.description.abstract Cukrinis diabetas yra viena sparčiausiai plintančių ir didžiausią nerimą keliančių ligų. 2014 m. duomenimis, visame pasaulyje gyveno 422 mln. žmonių, sergančių cukriniu diabetu, o 1980 m. sergančiųjų buvo 108 mln. (World Health Organization, 2016). Cukrinis diabetas sukelia daug įvairių komplikacijų, kurios kenkia žmogaus organizmui: liga pažeidžia akis (sukelia gliaukomą, kataraktą net aklumą), inkstus, nervų sistemą, sukelia kraujotakos ligas (išeminę širdies ligą, aterosklerozę, insultą), atsiranda pažeidimai burnoje (Asmat ir kt., 2016, Sayin ir kt., 2015). en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject Cukrinis diabetas, individuali burnos higiena, periodontitas, kariesas. en_US
dc.title Pacientų, sergančių cukriniu diabetu, požiūris į individualios burnos higienos ypatumus en_US
dc.title.alternative Attitude towards Individual Oral Hygiene of Patients with Diabetes en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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