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„Lean“ sistemos tobulinimas Kauno „Circle K“ degalinių tinkle

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dc.contributor.author Vidžiūnaitė, Renata
dc.date.accessioned 2019-02-19T13:39:45Z
dc.date.available 2019-02-19T13:39:45Z
dc.date.issued 2018-07
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/936
dc.description Renata Vidžiūnaitė. Improvement of LEAN System in the Kaunas Circle K Petrol Stations. Supervisors Lecturer Inga Stravinskienė. Kauno Kolegija/ University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Management and Economics, Department of Business Management. Kaunas, 2018. 57 pages. In the final work, scientific analysis of the sources of the Lean system is carried out. In order to analyse the disadvantages of the Lean system, “Circle K's” company uses qualitative and quantitative research. A qualitative research is an analysis of the internal enterprise data to find out what “Lean” tools use at the “Circle K” gas station and interview gas station managers in order to get an idea of “Lean's” efficiency in the company. Quantitative Survey - a questionnaire survey of 13 questions for the dealer operators to find out “Lean's” shortcomings and the reason for the change of employees. At the end of the paper, proposals are made to improve the “Lean” system, which is the improvement of news flow, job allocation and work model tools. Nowadays, companies want to manage and control employees and processes, introducing a quality system to ensure that all work and processes take place at a certain, scheduled time. If these processes fail, employees have a high work load, tension in the working environment, which results in an increase in employee turnover. "Circle K" gas station network is one of the largest in Lithuania. “Circle K” follows the “Lean” system and its principles to ensure that all processes are conducted purposefully. “Lean's” system-based tool for workload allocation in the company has weaknesses that encourage greater employee turnover. In order to reduce it, it is necessary to improve certain tools to help the workers, and not to reverse the workload. The main problem of the work is the increasing staff turnover in Kaunas “Circle K” gas stations network. According to “Lean”, there should be a reasonable number of people at the right time to do the right thing right in time. The failure of this process has led to an increase in workload for operators-sellers. As it is difficult for most employees to carry out many duties at the same time, the staff turnover is increasing. Work objective. To analyse the weaknesses of “Lean” system at Kaunas “Circle K” service stations and to submit proposals for improvement of the system. Work methods. Analysis of scientific literature, analysis of company internal documents, questionnaire survey, interviews. Structure of the final work. The theoretical part describes what the “Lean” system is, why it is useful to install this system for companies, as well as system methodology - production and management methods. The analytical part describes the qualitative and quantitative research methods and their results. The project part presents, and analyses offers to solve the problem, to improve the “Lean” system. After completing the theoretical and analytical part of the final work, the main problems, which lead to a change in employees - employees have too many posts, often they do not see - do not read the news, relevant information. In addition, it is difficult for beginners to adapt to the environment in a short time. Therefore, the solution to these problems is to offer newsletters in other ways, to cover information on employee cabinets, or to place information on the social network. Also, you need to conduct customer flow analysis and improve work management and job allocation tools. Additionally, additional solutions are considered - the introduction of employees only for certain posts, for learners of the newcomers, and for the boards with all the information and methodology. The final bachelor's thesis consists of 57 pages, 10 tables, 24 paintings, 46 literature and information sources, 1 additive. en
dc.description.abstract Baigiamojo darbo teorinėje dalyje aprašoma kas yra „Lean“ sistema, jos nauda įmonėms, taip pat aptariama sistemos metodika – gamybos ir vadybos metodai. Analitinėje dalyje aprašomi kokybinio ir kiekybinio tyrimų metodai, jų rezultatai. Projektinėje dalyje pateikiami ir išanalizuojami pasiūlymai problemai spręsti, „Lean“ sistemai patobulinti. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject Kokybės sistemos, efektyvumas, Lean sistema. en_US
dc.title „Lean“ sistemos tobulinimas Kauno „Circle K“ degalinių tinkle en_US
dc.title.alternative Improvement of Lean System in the Kaunas Circle K Petrol Stations en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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