Pasirinkus šią temą buvo norima išsiaškinti koks skirtumas yra tarp Lietuvos ir Airijos gydytojų odontologų padėjėjų. Koks jų darbo krūvis, stažuočių skaičius, skatinimas iš darbdavio ir ar yra gerbiami savo darbo vietoje, ar ji atitinka ergonomikos reikalavimus.
Samanta Getautytė ( Odontological Care Education Program) conducted a study ‘’ Dental assistan’s work environment: Lithuanian and Irish cases.’’ Study leader assistant Asta Varaškevičienė. Kauno Kolegija/University of Applied Sciences, Oral Health Cathedral. Kaunas; 2017. The purpose of this study was to reveal dental assistants work environment: Lithuanian and Irish cases. The goals of the study were: 1. reveal about dental assistants work environment. 2. describe main safety requirements in work environment. 3. Reveal about work environment in Ireland. 4. Reveal about work environment in Lithuania. An analysis of scientific literature, internet sources and questionnaire was performed. A qualitative study by a interview was performed to reveal dental assistant’s work environment: Lithuanian and Irish cases. The study was conducted during the period of March, 2018 - April, 2018, with a total of 8 study participants. The questionnaire consisted of 9 questions. The result of the study show that the majority of the participants claim the most negative impact on their health makes stress, awkward work postures, and employer’s disadvantage. Most assistants don’t have regular lunch breaks, which makes them and their employer treadmill. Most dental assistants are happy of their work environment, only few questioned answered that in their opinion their dental clinics could buy some new dental instruments and reduce the noise in work environment. Also dental assistants are more happily working in Ireland than in Lithuania, as they are more valued by employee, and doesn’t feel so much stress in work place.