DSpace talpykla

Ruginės duonos su plikiniu gamyba

Rodyti paprastą įrašą

dc.contributor.author Kasinskienė, Jurgita
dc.date.accessioned 2019-02-14T10:51:35Z
dc.date.available 2019-02-14T10:51:35Z
dc.date.issued 2018-06
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/885
dc.description Jurgita Kasinskienė. Production of rye bread with scalded dough. The Final paper. Supervisor Leonardas Daunoravičius, Kauno kolegija/University of Applied Sciences. Faculty of Techchnology. Food Technology Department. – Kaunas. 2018. The objective of the paper: to create recipes of rye bread according to the traditional production of rye bread with scalded dough. The production capacity is 1800 kg per shift. The subject of the paper: Production shop of rye bread with scalded dough. The structure of the paper: Introduction, theoretical part, technological part: intended assortment of products and description of products, use of raw materials and their preparation for production, flow chart diagram of production, calculations regarding ingredients used of technological process, description of technological process, Food safety and quality requirements, selection and justification of technological equipment, calculation of area for production premises. Organization of occupational safety at work, financial-economic evaluation of the project. Conclusions. Literature and other sources of information. The outcomes of the paper: Production shop for rye bread with scalded dough production which production capacity of 1800 kg / shift has been designed. In addition, scientific literature on biologically active substances in rye bread and their chemical / biochemical significance at the stages of the technological process has been reviewed. The main and auxiliary raw materials and materials have been described. The following stages of technological process have been selected: reception and storage of raw materials, flour sifting, scaling of raw materials, mixing of dough, rising/fermentation, dividing and reshaping, rising, final proof, baking. The production shop of rye bread with scalded dough, which area is 352.34 m2 has been designed. The following equipment have been used: flour sifter; PH-70145; ATLANTIS LFRN6080; convector oven; FC-SM- 12; proofing cabinet. Specified food safety and quality requirements, HACCP. Program: CCP-1B – Feed Reception and CCP-2B – Storage. The annual production capacity of the production shop is 444600 kg. The volume of the paper: 69 pages, 30 table, 4 appendices. Keywords: leaven, scalded dough, dough, bread, rye flour. en
dc.description.abstract Baigiamajame darbe suprojektuotas ruginės duonos su plikiniu gamybos cechas, kurio našumas – 1800 kg/pamainą. Išnagrinėti literatūros šaltiniai apie biologiškai aktyvias medžiagas ruginėje duonoje ir jų cheminę / biocheminę reikšmę technologinio proceso etapuose, išanalizuoti moksliniai straipsniai apie rugių savybes. Apibūdintos pagrindinės ir pagalbinės žaliavos bei medžiagos. Parinktas technologinis procesas, kurio etapai: žaliavų priėmimas ir sandėliavimas, miltų sijojimas, žaliavų svėrimas ir dozavimas, tešlos maišymas, brandinimas, tešlos dalijimas, kildymas, apdaila, kepimas. Ruginės duonos gamyba prasideda nuo raugo paruošimo, tuomet seka plikinio paruošimas ir kai jau turime raugintą plikinį ( raugą sumaišytą su plikiniu ir išraugintą), maišome tešlą en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject Forminė duona, plikinys, raugas, ruginiai miltai en_US
dc.title Ruginės duonos su plikiniu gamyba en_US
dc.title.alternative Production of rye bread with scalded dough en
dc.type Other en_US

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