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Verslo plėtros planas UAB „Siaiva“ įvertinant marketingo kompleksus

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dc.contributor.author Eismontienė, Greta
dc.date.accessioned 2019-02-14T07:52:56Z
dc.date.available 2019-02-14T07:52:56Z
dc.date.issued 2018-06
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/877
dc.description Greta Eismotienė. Business development plan for LTD Siaiva assessing marketing complexes. Supervisor assistant Tomas Tamulevicius. Kauno Kolegija/ University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Management and Economics, Department of Administration. - Kaunas, 2018. 51 pages. Description of business development and marketing complex improvement plan for LTD Siaiva. Small and medium-sized businesses are part of a strong economy. Small and medium-sized businesses are dynamic, adaptable quickly to changes and creating many work places. The country in which business is supported, encourages and creates favourable conditions for growth, creates a strong economy, encourages entrepreneurs to develop and grow their businesses more. The goal of a businessman is to maximize the profit needed to sustain the growth and development of the business. The main problem of business development and marketing complex improvement plan for LTD Siaiva. The vision of the company's growth and development into other markets relies on current financial situation. The aim of business development and marketing complex improvement plan for LTD Siaiva. To analyse the possibilities of business development in the company of food products and alcohol and provide a plan for possible development. Objectives of business development and marketing complex improvement plan for LTD Siaiva. 1. Describe the small and medium sized business and marketing complex from a theoretical stand-point. 2. Analyse the possibilities of business development for LTD Siaiva. 3. Offer the business development plan for LTD Siaiva. Methods of business development and marketing complex improvement plan for LTD Siaiva. Analysis of scientific literature, electronic resources, interviews, analysis of financial reports. The Structure. The theoretical part discusses the concept of a small and medium size business, analyses the prospects of development of a small and medium size business in Lithuania and analyses marketing strategies. In the analytical part are described: research methodology, characteristics of the company and types of researches that were performed. The practical part describes the business development plan, presents possible development options, and provides an estimated cost for opening a new store. The results. After analysing the theoretical aspects of small business and marketing, observed that is importance for the national economy and business growth. By conducting research in the company, it became clear what is the vision of the company's development and possibilities to implement that vision. Based on the research composed business development plan in another city. Suggestion. Expand business to another city. The work consists of 51 pages, 12 tables, 8 pictures, 38 references and sources of information, 3 appendixes. en
dc.description.abstract Teorinėje dalyje aptariama smulkaus ir vidutinio verslo samprata ir kodėl jį svarbu skatinti kurti ir plėsti, analizuojama smulkaus ir vidutinio verslo plėtros perspektyvos Lietuvoje keliems metams į priekį, tai aktualu galvojant apie verslo plėtrą. Bei nagrinėjami marketingo kompleksai, be kurių sunku pasiekti įmonės užsibrėžtų tikslų. Analitinėje dalyje pateikiama tyrimo metodika apie interviu bei finansinių ataskaitų analizę, aprašyta įmonės charakteristika, pateikti atlikti tyrimai bei gauti jų rezultatai. Praktinėje dalyje aprašytas verslo plėtros planas, pateikti galimi plėtros variantai, paskaičiuota kiek minimaliai kainuos naujos parduotuvės atidarymas. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject Verslo plėtra, marketingo kompleksai, UAB „Siava“ en_US
dc.title Verslo plėtros planas UAB „Siaiva“ įvertinant marketingo kompleksus en_US
dc.title.alternative Business development plan for LTD Siaiva assessing marketing complexes en
dc.type Other en_US

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