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UAB „Litfra“ ekspedicinės veiklos organizavimo gerinimas

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dc.contributor.author Gustys, Tautvydas
dc.date.accessioned 2019-02-13T13:28:54Z
dc.date.available 2019-02-13T13:28:54Z
dc.date.issued 2018-07
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/859
dc.description Tautvydas Gustys. Professional BA thesis. Development of Forwarding Activity Organization at Litfra UAB. Professional Bachelor thesis. Head of work lect. Juras Tamelis, Faculty of Management and Economics, Department of Business Management. - Kaunas, 2018. 48 pages. In this final work the materials on improvement of forwarding are presented, this work is relevant as the problems analyzed in it are real and their solutions are adapted to contain real resources. It is worth examining this topic because it shows how small business processes make up the company. The problem of work – in this paper, an expeditionary company is being investigated. The aim of the work is to reveal the stages of solving the problem of the expedition company, and looking for problems that impede expeditionary activities. Work methods: 1. Scientific and professional literature analysis. 2. Company internal analysis and problem identification. 3. Solving the problems. Structure of the work – the theoretical part discusses the factors influencing expedition activity, analyze the company in the analytical part, find out its problems, and present problem solutions in the project part. The results of the work – after completing this work, it turned out that many expeditionary problems start from the company's internal affairs, after which are solved, the company faces less problems. Proposals – solving problems in terms of how much it costs to solve a problem and how much money be can invested in problem solving at the time. The bachelor's final thesis consists of 48 pages, 7 tables, 16 paintings, 33 literature and information resources, 2 extras. en
dc.description.abstract Baigiamojo darbo tikslas gerinti transporto ekspedicinę veiklą. Darbe pateikiama dažniausiai pasitaikančios ekspedijavimo veiklai trukdančios problemos. Pirmoje dalyje aprašoma transporto logistikos teorija. Antroje dalyje analizuojama įmonės veikla ir procesai. Trečioje dalyje pateikiami praktiniai skaičiavimai ir sprendimo būdai. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject Ekspedicija, veikla, logistika, transportas. en_US
dc.title UAB „Litfra“ ekspedicinės veiklos organizavimo gerinimas en_US
dc.title.alternative Development of Forwarding Activity Organisation at Litfra UAB en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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