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UAB „Rūta“ naujo produkto - užkandžio „Greenz“ paklausos didinimas

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dc.contributor.author Stonytė, Greta
dc.date.accessioned 2019-02-12T11:25:33Z
dc.date.available 2019-02-12T11:25:33Z
dc.date.issued 2018-07
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/849
dc.description Greta Stonytė. Increasing the Demand for the New Product Greenz of Rūta UAB. Professional Bachelor thesis. Job manager Ona Junevičienė, Department of Business Management, Faculty of Management and Economics, Kaunas University of applied sciences. Description of Bachelor Thesis. The paper presents a theoretical analysis of a new product, its lifecycle and demand-enhancing factors. A survey of consumer opinions was carried out, which helped to clarify the emerged problems. The design part presents solutions for these problems. Object of Bachelor Thesis. There are various promotion methods applied for newly released in market “Greenz” product; however, in order to increase its demand, it is needed to investigate if the applied methods are effective. Objectives of Bachelor Thesis. To analyze the effectiveness of “Greenz‘s“ demand enhancement tools. Methods of the Bachelor Thesis. Analysis of scientific sources, consumer opinion survey, analysis of primary and secondary data. Structure of the work. The theoretical part discusses the concept of a new product from the scientists‘ point of view, product‘s life cycle is analyzed and the stage of its belonging in the market is investigated, demand increasing factors are analyzed. The analytical part of the work presents the results of the research, that helps to identify problems which solutions are submitted in the third part – project part of the work. Results of the work. More problems were found – insufficient information about the product, non-existing customized audience for the whole product line, improper choice of demandincreasing means together with lack of international symbols. Short suggestions/recommendations. To establish a target audience for the whole product line, insert the international „Vegan“ symbol in the design of the packaging, strengthen communication and promote advertising in social networks as one of the support measures, prepare tastings and start cooperation with petrol stations, sports nutrition stores, and healthy diet shops with a long-term perspective – to increase accessibility and introduce new products. The Bachelor Thesis work consists of 63 pages, 19 tables, 28 pictures, 32 references and sources of information, 1 appendice. en
dc.description.abstract Baigiamojo darbo teorinėje dalyje aptariama naujo produkto samprata mokslininkų požiūriu, analizuojami produkto gyvavimo ciklo ypatumai bei aiškinamasi, kuriam etapui priklauso naujai į rinką įvestas produktas, analizuojami paklausą didinantys veiksniai. Analitinėje darbo dalyje pateikiami tyrimo rezultatai, padedantys identifikuoti problemas, kurių sprendimui pateikti pasiūlymai trečiojoje – projektinėje darbo dalyje. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject Naujas produktas, paklausa, rėmimo priemonės, didinimas. en_US
dc.title UAB „Rūta“ naujo produkto - užkandžio „Greenz“ paklausos didinimas en_US
dc.title.alternative Increasing the Demand for the New Product Greenz of Rūta UAB en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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