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UAB „RIMI Lietuva“ MHM Savanorių klientų lojalumo stiprinimo galimybės

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dc.contributor.author Belevičiūtė, Kristina
dc.date.accessioned 2019-02-12T11:15:51Z
dc.date.available 2019-02-12T11:15:51Z
dc.date.issued 2018-06
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/844
dc.description Kristina Belevičiūtė. UAB RIMI Lietuva MHM Savanorių customer loyalty strengthening possibilities. Professional BA thesis. Supervisor lecturer Vilija Mieliauskienė. Department of Administration, Faculty of Management and Economics, Kauno Kolegija – Kaunas, 2018. 51 pages. The main problem. What measures to use to increase the customer loyalty of UAB RIMI Lietuva? The aim of the professional BA thesis is to analyze the possibilities of increasing the customer loyalty of MHM Savanoriai UAB RIMI Lietuva. Methods of the professional BA thesis: analysis of scientific literature, graphical method, method of comparison, quantitative method (online survey), qualitative method (interview). The structure. Customer loyalty, their characteristics and features, types and categories are described in the theoretical part. The performance of UAB RIMI Lietuva, the benefits of Mano Rimi loyalty card and SWOT analysis are provided in the analytical part. The research methodology, the results of the research and the possibilities of strengthening the customer loyalty are presented in the practical part. The results/conclusions: Analysis of RIMI Lietuva UAB's MHM Savanoriai customer loyalty research feasibility study revealed that PC RIMI has really many clients, most of whom are women, although there are also many men aged between 19 and 24 and from 25 up to 30. Most of them are single working people or students. The majority of respondents' income is up to 300 €, but there are those who earn more than 601 €. The survey showed that customers are satisfied with personal offers, discounts, birthday offers. However, customers want more discounts and sales promotions Mano Rimi card guarantees. Analyses of the interviews results showed that UAB RIMI Lietuva offers encourage customers to become loyal clients og the RIMI chain. The company is recommended to offer a 10 % discount to any movie selected from 1 May to 30 September for the Cinamon cinema Mega for Mano Rimi loyalty card owners, as not everyone has a Cinamon discount card. The work consists of 51 pages, 11 tables, 24 pictures, 25 references and sources of information, 2 appendices. en
dc.description.abstract Analizuojama tema yra apie klientų lojalumą PC RIMI. Klientų požymiai bei kategorijos. Kokiais būdais klientus paversti lojaliais ir kokias lojalumo programas naudoja PC RIMI. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject Klientų lojalumas en_US
dc.title UAB „RIMI Lietuva“ MHM Savanorių klientų lojalumo stiprinimo galimybės en_US
dc.title.alternative UAB RIMI Lietuva MHM Savanorių customer loyalty strengthening possibilities en
dc.type Other en_US

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