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Maitinimo organizavimo ypatumai viešbutyje „Park Inn by Radisson Kaunas“

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dc.contributor.author Karpavičiūtė, Milana
dc.date.accessioned 2019-02-12T09:13:09Z
dc.date.available 2019-02-12T09:13:09Z
dc.date.issued 2018-06-13
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/821
dc.description Karpavičiūtė M. Catering organization features at the hotel “Park Inn by Radisson“. Professional Bachelor‘s final thesis. Head Lecturer Valiaugienė J. Kauno kolegija/University of Applied Sciences. Faculty of Management and Economics, Tourism and Hotel Management study programme. Kaunas, 2018. 48 p. The final work analyzes the peculiarities of organization of catering services at the Hotel “Park Inn by Radisson Kaunas“ The paper analyzes the literature on the topic, provides a systematic view of the various authors. After analyzing the current situation of Hotel “Park Inn by Radisson Kaunas” and selecting an interview method, a qualitative assessment of catering services was performed. Based on the results of the qualitative research and using the SWOT analysis method, the main advantages and disadvantages are distinguished. The quality of hotel services is very important in Lithuania, as in other countries, therefore, it was chosen to analyze the peculiarities of organization of catering services, since catering services are one of the most influential services for the hotel's image. Depending on the relevance of the topic, the problematic issue was formulated: what are the peculiarities of catering services at “Park Inn by Radisson Kaunas”. The aim of the work: to analyze the peculiarities of catering organization at Park Inn by Radisson. The following tasks have been formulated for the purpose of the work: 1. To carry out the analysis of literature, define the concepts of the hotel, its structure and its catering services. 2. Analyze Catering Services at Park Inn by Radisson Kaunas. 3. Carry out a qualitative assessment of catering services at Park Inn by Radisson Kaunas. 4. Set up the Park Inn by Radisson Kaunas catering organization. To achieve the purpose of the work and to realize the objectives, the following methods are used: scientific literature analysis, interviews, data analysis and generalization, SWOT analysis. The work consists of three parts. The theoretical part deals with the analysis of literature, defines the concepts of the hotel, its structure and its catering services. The analytical part analyzes the catering services provided by Park Inn by Radisson Kaunas, a qualitative study. An interview method was chosen for the study. The purpose of the study was to find out how the catering services are provided at the hotel, the quality of the catering service provided by the hotel, the quality of the catering service, the difference in catering between guests and conference participants and the special food availability of the hotel; as well as the importance of the process of creating menus, and so on. The third part of the hotel offers the development of the “Park Inn by Radisson Kaunas” catering organization. From the results obtained and systematized, you can find out about the advantages and disadvantages of organizing your catering service, and thus provide you with the right and most qualitative services for your customers. According to the work, from all types of catering, the concept of breakfast is most valued when customers are involved in food production. Hotel “Park Inn by Radisson Kaunas“ catering opportunities include: organizing events aimed at attracting city residents; to purposefully develop the production of viable organic meals at the moment, acting as a green restaurant; attracting younger groups of consumers and expanding the use of marketing tools. Scope of the work – the work consists of 48 pages, 15 tables, 5 figures, 26 literature and sources of information, 5 annexes. en
dc.description.abstract Baigiamajame darbe analizuojami maitinimo paslaugų organizavimo ypatumai viešbutyje „Park Inn by Radisson Kaunas“. Darbe išanalizuoti literatūros šaltiniai nagrinėjama tema, pateikta susisteminta įvairių autorių nuomonė. Atlikus viešbučio „Park Inn by Radisson Kaunas“ esamos situacijos analizę ir pasirinkus interviu tyrimo metodą, atliktas maitinimo paslaugų kokybinis vertinimas. Remiantis kokybinio tyrimo rezultatais ir taikant SSGG analizės metodą, išskirti svarbiausi privalumai bei trūkumai. Lietuvoje kaip ir kitose šalyse labai svarbi viešbučių teikiamų paslaugų kokybė, todėl buvo pasirinkta nagrinėti maitinimo paslaugų organizavimo ypatumus, kadangi maitinimo paslaugos yra vienos iš didžiausią įtaką darančių paslaugų viešbučio įvaizdžiui. Atsižvelgiant į temos aktualumą, buvo suformuluotas probleminis klausimas: kokie viešbutyje „Park Inn by Radisson Kaunas“ maitinimo paslaugų ypatumai. Darbą sudaro trys dalys. Teorinėje dalyje atlikta literatūros analizė, apibrėžtos viešbučio, jo struktūros ir jame teikiamų maitinimo paslaugų sąvokos. Analitinėje dalyje išanalizuotos viešbutyje „Park Inn by Radisson Kaunas“ teikiamos maitinimo paslaugos, atliktas kokybinis tyrimas. Tyrimui atlikti buvo pasirinktas interviu metodas. Tyrimu buvo siekiama išsiaiškinti, kaip vyksta maitinimo organizavimo paslaugos teikimas viešbutyje, kaip viešbutyje užtikrinama teikiamos maitinimo paslaugos kokybė, kokie maitinimo paslaugos kokybės užtikrinimo veiksniai, kokie vyrauja maitinimo skirtumai tarp viešbutyje gyvenančių svečių ir konferencijų dalyvių bei kuo ypatingas tiekiamas maistas viešbutyje; taip pat, kaip svarbu yra meniu sudarymo procesas ir pan. Trečioje dalyje nustatytos viešbučio „Park Inn by Radisson Kaunas“ maitinimo organizavimo tobulinimo galimybės. Darbą sudaro 48 puslapiai, 15 lentelių, 5 paveikslai, 26 literatūros ir informacijos šaltiniai, 5 priedai. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject Viešbutis, maitinimo organizavimas, maitinimo paslaugos en_US
dc.title Maitinimo organizavimo ypatumai viešbutyje „Park Inn by Radisson Kaunas“ en_US
dc.title.alternative Specificity of catering organization in the Park Inn by Radisson Kaunas Hotel en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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