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Integruotos kokybės ir maisto saugos vadybos sistemos diegimas miltinių gaminių gamybos įmonėje

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dc.contributor.author Andrejeva, Sandra
dc.date.accessioned 2019-02-12T09:07:29Z
dc.date.available 2019-02-12T09:07:29Z
dc.date.issued 2018-06
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/818
dc.description Sandra Andrejeva. Implementation of Integrated Quality and Food Safety System in Flour Products Company. Final work. Scientific advisor: lecturer Gailevičienė Dovilė; Kauno kolegija / University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Technologies, Department of Food Technology. – Kaunas, 2018. The purpose of the paper: to implement an integrated food safety and quality management system in a flour confectionery company under the requirements of ISO 9001 and ISO 22000. The object of the paper: implementation of food safety and quality management system in a flour confectionery company. The structure of the paper: Introduction, theoretical part, planning and realization of safe food production, the raw produce used and the product description, analysis of food safety risks and application of their management tools, planning premises with assessment of security zones, control of processes and production in the company, financial – economic evaluation of the project, conclusions/recommendations, bibliography and other sources of information, appendixes, graphic scheme – a layout of flour confectionery factory. The results of the paper: 1. Bibliographical sources on the subject were reviewed. 2. An inventory of the raw produce (flour, sugar, margarine, sour cream, etc) and materials (packing, subsidiary materials) used in the confectionery company was arranged evaluating main indications on food quality and safety. 3. Calculation of raw produce and materials required for the production of scalded flour biscuits dough (productivity: 100 kg/shift) was performed. 4. Analysis of possible food safety risk factors was performed their management measures were determined. Integrated quality and food safety management system was integrated under the requirements of ISO 9001 and ISO 22000 international standards. 5. The equipment required for the production of scalded flour biscuits was reviewed and applied; calculation of premises area was performed. 6. Financial – economic evaluation of the project was accomplished. It is scheduled to produce 24400 kg of scalded flour biscuits a year subject to operating 5 working days a week 8 hours shift. The volume of the paper: The paper includes 47 pages, 30 tables, 2 illustrations, 69 literature sources and 1 appendixes. Keywords: quality, food safety, flour confectionery, scalded flour biscuits. en
dc.description.abstract Miltinių konditerijos gaminių gamybos įmonėje įdiegti integruotą kokybės ir maisto saugos vadybos sistemą pagal ISO 9001 ir ISO 22000 standartų reikalavimus, parengti naudojamų žaliavų ir produkto aprašai, maisto produkto technologinio proceso srauto diagrama, maisto saugos rizikos veiksnių analizė ir jų valdymo priemonės, patalpų planavimas, įvertinant saugumo zonas, įmonėje vykdomų procesų bei produktų kontrolė, finansinis - ekonominis projekto įvertinimas, išvados / rekomendacijos, literatūra ir kiti informacijos šaltiniai, priedai, grafiniai darbai – miltinių konditerijos gaminių gamybos įmonės planas en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject Kokybė, maisto sauga, miltiniai konditerijos gaminiai, plikyti sausainiai en_US
dc.title Integruotos kokybės ir maisto saugos vadybos sistemos diegimas miltinių gaminių gamybos įmonėje en_US
dc.title.alternative Implementation of Integrated Quality and Food Safety System in Flour Products Company en
dc.type Other en_US

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