Baigiamojo darbo teorinėje dalyje analizuojami įmonės, žinomumo bei rėmimo priemonių teoriniai aspektai. Analitinėje dalyje pristatoma įmonės charakteristika, tyrimo metodų pagrindimas, gautų rezultatų pateikimas bei analizė. Projektinėje dalyje pristatoma sprendimai iškilusioms problemoms spręsti. Darbo pabaigoje pateikiamos išvados ir pasiūlymai.
Paulius Cinokas. UAB „Mokomieji filmai” Increasing awareness of integrated marketing communication. Professional Bachelor thesis. Project leader Lect. Smiltė Juraitė, University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Management and Economics, Department of Business Management. Bachelor thesis deals with the concepts of organisation awareness, organisation awareness for competition and promotion tools for increase of awareness. As the number of companies increases, it becomes harder for consumers to choose the company whose goods or services provide the most. As far as companies are concerned, the more organizations on the market, the more competitors. Every day, it's becoming more difficult to attract a consumer and keep up with competitors. In order to avoid this problem, it is very important to promote brand well. Competitive advantage and brand awareness. By choosing the right promotion tools, you can reach the target consumer faster in order to increase sales. Proper communication choices help gain a competitive edge and boost business visibility. The main problem of the professional BA thesis. As the number of new businesses in the market increases, it becomes increasingly difficult to keep up with the competition and show the value of the well-known company's products. In particular, we need to analyse the current situation of the company's awareness, and, based on the results obtained, to take corrective action. Objectives of the professional BA thesis. To find out the promotion tools, which will help to increase the awareness of the "Mokomieji filmai" firm. Methods of the professional BA thesis. Scientific literature analysis, questionnaire survey method, document analysis, graphical representation methods. The structure. The theoretical part discusses the concepts of organisation awareness, organisation awareness for competition and promotion tools for increase of awareness. The analytical part contains an analysis of the company's activity, a summary of the existing communication measures, and an analysis of the research. The project section presents suggestions that help solve the problem and the possible implications of the implementation of the proposals. Results of work. The results obtained during the study indicate that the organisation „Mokomieji filmai“ is unknown to most respondents, and then suggestions were made for solving this problem. Main offers: Advertising, Personal sale, Public Relations. The final bachelor's thesis consists of 52 pages, 9 tables, 18 pictures, 28 literature and information sources, 1 extras