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Jurgita Ramoškienė. Production line of boiled hot smoked chicken and chicken cuts. The final paper. Supervisor lecturer Irina Kocelkovskienė; Kauno kolegija / University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Technologies, Department of Food Technology. – Kaunas, 2018. The objective of the paper: to design production line of boiled hot smoked chicken and chicken cuts. The subject of the paper: Production line of boiled hot smoked chicken and chicken cuts”. The structure of the paper. Introduction, theoretical part, technological part (project), organization of occupational safety, financial and economical evaluation of the project, conclusions, graphical part, appendixes. The outcomes of the paper. Production line of boiled hot smoked chicken and chickenparts has been designed that will produce three products such as cooked - hot smoked whole chicken (production capacity 2000 kg per shif, and vooked - hot smoked chicken cuts (production capacity 700 kg per shift) and chicken bone kit (300kg/shift). A flow-chart of the production processes has been designed. HACCP analysis has been carried out which identified the following Critical Control Points: CCP 1B is a heat treatment that eliminates most of the microorganisms, eliminates the beneficial environment for further propagation and development of microorganisms; CCP 1P is a metal detector for the inspection of food products. It is to ensure that physical contaminants such as accidental metal shavings, screws, or needle fractures once detected should be removed to prevent occcurance in the final product. The following equpment has been used to ensure efficiency of the production process: a needle pen, a massager, a thermocamera, a vacuum bag closing device Wermatic, metal detectors. All equipmet is located in the company's warehouse which total area of 800 m2 Upon completion of the financial-economic assessment of the project, the following primeciosts have been determined cooked - hot smoked chicken - 4,10 EUR / kg (2000 kg/day), cooked - hot smoked chicken cuts - 2,79 EUR / kg (700 kg/day). Chicken bone kit – 1,15 EUR / kg (300kg /day) The volume of the paper. The paper consist of 39 pages, 20 tables, 5 illustrations, 34 literature sources and 5 appendixes. Keywords: cooked-smoked products, chicken, thermally traeded products, fresh chicken bones. |
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Baigiamajame darbe pateiktas duomenų sąvadas apie virtų – karštai rūkytų viščiukų ir vištienos stambiagabalių gaminių gamybos baro procesą. Analizuojama literatūra ir moksliniai straipsniai, teisiniai dokumentai apie paukštieną, vištieną, prieskonius, mikrobiologinę riziką gaminyje ir žaliavoje, pateikiami išeigų ir žaliavų skaičiavimai. Paruošta ir aprašyta virtų – karštai rūkytų viščiukų ir vištienos stambiagabalių gaminių gamybos technologija. Parengtas RVASVT planas, būtinosios programos (ar SVT taškų planas) virtų – karštai rūkytų gaminių procesui bei atlikti finansiniai - ekonominiai skaičiavimai |
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