Vis didėjantis vyresnio amžiaus žmonių skaičius didina jų svarbą visuomenėje, todėl
analizuoti senjorų keliavimo ypatumus naudinga turizmo verslui. Be tarptautinės konkurencijos turizmo pramonė turi prisitaikyti prie besikeičiančios demografinės padėties ir vartotojų poreikių, kadangi keliauja vis daugiau senjorų, todėl atsiranda didesnis poreikis specifinėms turizmo formoms. Teorinėje darbo dalyje išanalizuota senjorų turizmo samprata ir klasifikacija, atskleisti senjorų keliavimo ypatumai ir poreikiai. Remiantis teorinėje dalyje gautais duomenimis atlikta senjorų keliavimo ypatumų analizė. Gauti tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad senjorai, priklausantys
Kauno miesto senjorų organizacijoms, dažniausiai keliauja autobusais po Lietuvą, norėdami įgyti naujos patirties, žinių, susipažinti su kitais žmonėmis ir pailsėti.
Darbo struktūra. Teorinėje dalyje kalbama apie turizmo esmę, jo klasifikavimą, senjoro
amžiaus sampratą, kelionių specifiką, keliavimo motyvus ir poreikius. Praktinėje dalyje pateikiami anketinės apklausos ir interviu rezultatų duomenys. Trečiojoje dalyje pateikiami pasiūlymai, kurie padės pagerinti senjorų keliavimo kokybę. Darbą sudaro 61 puslapiai, 14 lentelės, 23 paveikslai, 38 literatūros ir informacijos šaltiniai, 4 priedai.
Misevičiūtė A. Peculiarities of senior travellers: example of members of Kaunas seniors citizens organization. Professional Bachelor‘s final thesis. Supervisor lecturer Liorančaitė-Šukienė A. Tourism and Hotel Management study programme, Faculty of Management and Economics, Kaunas College. Kaunas, 2018. 61 p. The growing number of elderly people increases their importance for the society, therefore, analysis the peculiarities of travel for seniors is useful for tourism business. In addition to international competition, the tourism industry has to adapt to the changing demographic situation and consumer needs, as more and more senior people are traveling, and this results in a higher demand for specific forms of tourism. The theoretical part of the bachelor's work analyzes the concept and classification of seniors' tourism, reveals the peculiarities and needs of seniors traveling. According to the data obtained in the theoretical part, an analysis of the seniors' traveling characteristics was performed. The results of the survey showed that seniors that are members of Kaunas city seniors' organizations usually travel by bus around Lithuania to gain new experience, knowledge, get to know other people and have rest. The main problem of work. The main problem. Insufficient attention paid to analysing the peculiarities of travel of elderly people. With the aging society, this market segment is becoming more and more important. The concept senior does not have a well-agreed definition that identifies older people - is not clear from when the elderly person can be called a senior. Different concepts that define the elderly group are found in the scientific literature. All this only proves that this niche market in the field of tourism has not yet been explored. The aim of work is to carry out the analysis of seniors travel peculiarities in Kaunas city seniors organizations. The objectives: 1. to analyze the concept and classification of seniors tourism; 2. to reveal motives and needs of seniors traveling; 3. to research the peculiarities of the travel of seniors of Kaunas city seniors organizations; 4. to carry out the analysis of expert opinion on the specifics and needs of seniors of Kaunas city seniors organizations; 5. to submit suggestions and recommendations to improve the quality seniors' travel. Methods of work: analysis of scientific literature, statistical data analysis, survey, interview.
The structure. The essence of tourism, its classification, the concept of senjor age, the specifics of travel, the motives and needs of travel are discussed in the theoretical part. The data of questionnaire and interview results are presented in practical part. Scope of the work - the work consists of 71 pages, 14 tables, 23 figures, 38 information sources.