DSpace talpykla

Avižinių sausainių gamyba be pridėtinio cukraus

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dc.contributor.author Zgirskaitė, Aurelija
dc.date.accessioned 2019-02-06T11:19:20Z
dc.date.available 2019-02-06T11:19:20Z
dc.date.issued 2018-06
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/690
dc.description Aurelija Zgirskaitė. Production of oat biscuits without added sugar. The final paper. Supervisor: Leonardas Daunoravičius; Kauno kolegija / University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Technologies, Department of Food Technology. – Kaunas, 2018. The objective of the paper: to create a new recipe of oat biscuits without added sugar. New ingredients have been included to alter organoleptic properties of the product. The subject of the paper: Oatmeal cookies. The structure of the paper. The final paper consists of the following parts: introduction, technological part, financial – economic assessment of the project, and conclusions. The introductory part of the paper reviews scholarly articles that deal with the analysis of raw materials used in the production of oatmeal biscuits. The technological part of the paper analyses existing cookie production technologies, and provides calculations regarding the quantity of raw materials needed to produce oat biscuits. In addition, occupational safety and quality analysis have been carried out, and the area for the production facilities have been estimated. The economic-financial assessment of the project provides the prime-cost of the product. Conclusions. The outcomes of the paper. New recipes for oatmeal biscuits have been created. In addition, new production technologies have been created. To render a specific taste of the product, some biscuits have been baked and some frozen. After having analysed available scholarly article on raw materials used for the production of oat biscuits, the conclusions are drawn that that chosen raw materials have been more beneficial for human health in comparison with others. When analysing each step of production process, Critical Control Points have been identified related to the following production stages such as baking and freezing. The calculations of prime cost of the biscuits showed that biscuits with banana and dark chocolate cost 8,09 €/kg, whereas the oatmeal biscuits with dried cranberries and seeds cost 12,40 €/kg. The volume of the paper: 52 pages, 13 tables, 2 illustrations, 20 literature sources. Keywords: Oatmeal biscuits, oatmeal grains, technology. en
dc.description.abstract Aprašoma viena iš aktualiausių šių dienų mitybos problemų, kaip nenaudojant pridėtinio cukraus bei kvietinių miltų pagaminti sausainius, išlaikant produktui būdingas savybes. Sukurtos naujos avižinių sausainių receptūros, keičiant kvietinius miltus, į avižinius miltus arba avižinias kruopas, bei nedadedant pridėtinio cukraus. Sausainiams sukurtos naujos gamybos technologijos, avižiniai sausainiai su bananais ir juoduoju šokoladu yra kepami pastovioje 190 oC temp. 25 - 30 min, nenaudojant įprasto kepimo, avižinių kruopų sausainiai su džiovintomis spanguolemis ir sėklomis yra šaldomi 2 val. Sukuriant naujus skonius vieni sausainiai yra kepami, o kiti šaldomi. Išanalizavus mokslinius straipsnius, kurie yra susiję su žaliavomis paaiškėja, kad parinktos žaliavos yra palankesnės žmogaus sveikatai en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject Avižiniai sausainiai, avižinės kruopos, technologija en_US
dc.title Avižinių sausainių gamyba be pridėtinio cukraus en_US
dc.title.alternative Production of oat biscuits without added sugar en
dc.type Other en_US

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