DSpace talpykla

UAB „Hegelmann Transporte“ pervežimo paslaugų užsakymo valdymo tobulinimas.

Rodyti paprastą įrašą

dc.contributor.author Šiugžda, Rimantas
dc.date.accessioned 2019-02-05T11:38:15Z
dc.date.available 2019-02-05T11:38:15Z
dc.date.issued 2018-07
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/651
dc.description Rimantas Šiugžda. UAB „Hegelmann transporte“ transportation service management improvement. Supervisor Dr./Lecture/Assistant Rasa Šabrinskienė, Kauno kolegijos University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Management and Economics, Department of Business Management – Kaunas 2018. 56 pages. The purpose of this final bachelor`s thesis. Identify with which problems problems most, customers encounter in the order management process and find most appropriate ways of the problem solving. The main problem of transportation service management improvement - lack of information about the order management status, slow customer service. The aim of the transportation service management improvement – UAB „Hegelmann transporte“ the management of the order process and business management system. The objectives of the service management improvement - find out of customers, who are using transportation services woud be useful to see the status of their orders and order management process in real time, without contacting to the service provider. Methods of the transportation service management improvement: Analysis of the scientific literature, analysis of selected logistics company, analysis of the selected transport company`s order management process, submission of a questionnaire to respondents, analysis of the results and presentation of the problems solving methods. The strucute - in the theoretical part analyzed transport-related services, the main logistics tasks. Analyzed examples of the management procesess and information technologies which are used in logistics services and how it relates with order management process. Presenting the definition of services in the theoretical aspect, what services are providing in the logistics. What is the importance of customer service in transport companies, what kind of customer service methods are used in logistics. In the analytical part, examines the history of selected company UAB ``Hegelmann transporte`` the process of transportation services by the road transport and companies business management system. Analysing the results of the questionnare, presenting theoretically and financially solutions of the main problems. Presenting final thesis and conclusions. The results of the final work. Established the main problem encountered by customers using road transport services. Presented the solution of the revealed problem. To give possibility for customers, to see the status of the order in the real time, and submit offer, to improves companies business management system. The work consists of 57 pages, 5 tables, 17 pictures, 31 references and sources of information,.1.appendices. en
dc.description.abstract Baigiamojo darbo teorinėje dalyje analizuojama literatūra apie transporto srityje esančias veiklas. Teoriniu aspektu atskleidžiami pervežimų užsakymų valdymo procesai ir kaip šiuos procesus veikia naudojamos informacinės technologijos. Antroje dalyje aptariama UAB „Hegelmann transporte“ įmonės charakteristika, nustatoma, koks yra pervežimo užsakymo ir valdymo procesas, kokia naudojama verslo valdymo sistema. Analizuojami pateiktos anketinės apklausos rezultatai, atskleidžiama, kokie yra svarbiausi užsakymo valdyme esantys aspektai klientams. Trečioje dalyje pateikiami išryškėjusios problemos projektiniai sprendimo būdai. Pateikiamos išvados ir pasiūlymai. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject Pervežimas, užsakymas, valdymas, paslauga, tobulinimas. en_US
dc.title UAB „Hegelmann Transporte“ pervežimo paslaugų užsakymo valdymo tobulinimas. en_US
dc.title.alternative UAB „Hegelmann transporte“ transportation service management improvement en
dc.type Other en_US

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