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Moterų nuomonė apie cheminių šveitiklių poveikį koreguojant jaunatvinių spuogų liekamuosius reiškinius

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dc.contributor.author Urbietytė, Berta
dc.date.accessioned 2019-02-04T09:37:21Z
dc.date.available 2019-02-04T09:37:21Z
dc.date.issued 2018-06-13
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/627
dc.description Ordinary acne (Acne Vulgaris) – a chronic state of skin affecting the person’s life, determining social behaviour, evoking psychological problems – this worsens the quality of life. People, having acne, meet with the residual phenomena evoked by this disease – scars and hyperpigmentation – which can be corrected with cosmetics, chemical scrubbings, laser procedures, etc. The most frequently applied procedure, improving the state of the skin, is chemical skin scrubbing. Objective of the study: To reveal the opinion of the women about the influence of chemical scrubs when correcting the residual phenomena of youth acne. Tasks: 1. To describe the residual phenomena of youth acne, the reasons of their emergence and symptoms. 2. To theoretically ground the influence of chemical scrubs when correcting the residual phenomena evoked by youth acne. 3. To determine the opinion of the women about the influence of chemical scrubs on the residual phenomena evoked by Acne Vulgaris. Study methods: Academic and occupational literature analysis, questionnaire, descriptive method of statistical data analysis. Study set: 50 women (18 – 30-year-old) took part in the questionnaire who have/had the problem of youth acne and its residual phenomena, and who solve/solved the problem using the chemical scrubbing procedures. After performing the questionnaire, it became clear that 21-25-year-old women, whose youth acne problem began in their adolescence (15-18 years period), solve the problem of youth acne most often. Usually, cosmetology specialists recommended chemical scrubbing procedures for women having the problem of residual phenomena of youth acne, also, quite a big part (27%) of the participants of the study used the recommendation of the doctor-dermatologist. With reference to the opinion of the women, who took part in the questionnaire, the greatest influence on the emergence of youth acne was possessed by harmonic disbalance. Acid complexes are most often used when performing the procedures of chemical skin scrubbing. In the women’s opinion, the procedures of chemical skin scrubbing have a positive influence and it is an efficient measure for the removal of residual phenomena of youth acne. Positive influence of chemical scrubbing can be already seen after 3-5 procedures, also, the procedure has positive residual influence during which no new pigment spots and scars emerged. en
dc.description.abstract Darbas buvo rašomas siekiant išsiaiškinti moterų nuomonę apie cheminių šveitiklių poveikį jaunatvinių spuogų liekamiesiems reiškiniams šalinti. Sudarytas iš 2 dalių- Teorinės ir Empirinės. Teorinėje dalyje aprašomi jaunatvinių spuogų, bei liekamųjų reiškinių susidarymo mechanizmai, cheminio šveitimo veikimo principas bei savybės. Empirinėje dalyje analizuojami anketinės apklausos duomenys siekiant išsiaiškinti moterų nuomonę apie cheminių šveitiklių poveikį jaunatvinių spuogų liekamųjų reiškinių šalinimui. Darbo metu išsiaiškinta jog moterų nuomone cheminis odos šveitimas yra veiksminga, turinti mažai šalutinio poveikio, priemonė jaunatvinių spuogų liekamiesiems reiškiniams šalinti. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject Moterys, nuomonė, cheminiai, šveitikliai, poveikis, koreguoti, jaunatviniai, spuogai, liekamieji, reiškiniai en_US
dc.title Moterų nuomonė apie cheminių šveitiklių poveikį koreguojant jaunatvinių spuogų liekamuosius reiškinius en_US
dc.title.alternative Women's Opinion about the Impact of Chemical Scrubs on the Correction of Residual Effects of Juvenile Acne en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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