DSpace talpykla

Vyrų žinios apie sergančiųjų akne kasdienės priežiūros ypatumus namuose

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dc.contributor.author Fedatenkova, Natalija
dc.date.accessioned 2019-01-31T07:52:15Z
dc.date.available 2019-01-31T07:52:15Z
dc.date.issued 2018-06-12
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/493
dc.description Work relevance Acne Vulgaris (Ordinary acne) – it is a chronic skin disease which usually associates with puberty. Around 80% of teenagers face this problem. Adults have this problem as well. Approximately 40-50% of men and women in between of 20-30 years old and 20% in between o 40-50 years old do not avoid rashes (Ernandes ir Margolina, 2017). Work goal: Reveal men's knowledge about the peculiarities of daily cosmetic care for acne sufferers at home. Work tasks: 1. To define the concept, aetiology, pathogenesis, morphology, complications and consequences of acne 2. Describe the peculiarities of daily cosmetic care for acne patients at home. 3. To reveal men's knowledge about the peculiarities of using cosmetic products at home. Research methods and research subjects: 1. Scientific and professional literature analysis, the purpose of which is to describe the peculiarities of the use of youth acne and cosmetic products at home. 2. Questionnaire in writing. 3. Statistical analysis of data using Microsoft Excel Worksheet. The research strategy is quantitative. The method of work is a written survey. A quantitative research strategy is chosen, because it is possible to interview a larger proportion of respondents in a simple and fast way. This is the best and most convenient way to evaluate the knowledge of young people, to know about their skin care at home and the influence of parents on this process. This survey has a fast feedback. During the survey 52 Kaunas young men (18-26 years old) were interviewed. Respondents were selected by gender. Visually, all the respondents who submitted the questionnaire had rash elements in the area of the face. Research results and conclusions of work Not all men know and correctly identify their face skin type. Men knowledge about acne shows that most of the interviewed young men had or mght have acne. According to the use of cosmetics men are divided into two parts: non-use cosmetics and use. The ones ho use cosmetics does it regularly or occasionally. The most popular cosmetic tool is a gel or foam for washing. Often, men use a facial cream. Serums or masks between men aged 18 to 26 are unpopular. The survey showed that men are trying to care for their facial skin, but they lack knowledge. Some respondents are not able to properly care for their facial skin. They know little of cosmetic ingredients and the cosmetics themselves - when and how often they are used. en
dc.description.abstract Teorinėje dalyje bus aprašyta aknės sąvoka, etiologija, patogenezė, morfologija, komplikacijos ir pasekmės. Bus teoriškai aprašyti akne sergančiųjų kosmetinių priemonių naudojimo ypatumai namuose. Tyrinamosios dalies tikslas - atskleisti vyrų žinias apie kosmetinių priemonių naudojimo ypatumus namuose. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject Jaunatviniai spuogai, paprastieji spuogai, Acne vulgaris en_US
dc.title Vyrų žinios apie sergančiųjų akne kasdienės priežiūros ypatumus namuose en_US
dc.title.alternative Men's Knowledge about the Features of Daily Care of Acne at Home en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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