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Vaiko teisių apsauga baudžiamajame procese

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dc.contributor.author Jakelaitytė, Vaiva
dc.date.accessioned 2019-01-24T10:58:03Z
dc.date.available 2019-01-24T10:58:03Z
dc.date.issued 2018-06
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/404
dc.description On Children’s Rights Protection criminal process. Vaiva Jakelaitytė. Professional BA thesis. Supervisor Genovaitė Ročienė, Kauno kolegija/ University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Management and Economics, Department of Law. Description of the BA thesis. The topic under investigation is important and significant because children‘s rights protection law is undergoing change on the first of July. Many new innovations and changes will be implemented. This thesis investigates the system of Lithuania‘s Children‘s Rights protection, its institutions that are responsible for implementing children‘s rights. Also, the process of child survey is being considered along with possible violations during it. Moreover, Norway‘s Children‘s Rights Protection system is examined. Norway‘s Children‘s Rights Protection system was taken into consideration along with comparing it to Lithuania’s system. The main problem of the (professional BA thesis) – Lack of systemic approach in criminal proceedings in solving the problems of children's legal status and social issues through the application of legal measures. Children are still the most vulnerable in society, and their parents or carers are responsible for the implementation of children's rights. In practice, the problems that arise most of the emerging and systemic transformation are the problems regarding the protection of the rights of the child in criminal proceedings concerning the representation of minors and the defense and the conduct of interviews. The aim of the (professional BA thesis) - Having established the system of protection of the rights of the child, in accordance with the Criminal Code of the Republic of Lithuania, to reveal implementation problems. Methods of the (professional BA thesis) – Analysis of legal acts and court practices, descriptive, comparative. The sctructure - Summary, introduction, system of Children Right‘s Protection in Lithuania, the institutions responsible for implementing Children‘s Rights practices, the functions of each institution for Children‘s Rights, the legal status of child during criminal process, the rights of the witness, victim, and suspect, the ways that Children‘s Rights specialist and Court psychologist contribute to Children‘s Rights protection, Children‘s Rights Protection system‘s influence towards the rights of the child and his wellbeing, child as participant in criminal process, peculiarities of interrogations of young victims and witnesses, possible violations during criminal processes in which children participate, the role of psychologist in criminal cases in which children take part in, the process of child surveys, how the interrogation room must be designed, its possibilities, interrogation of children with special needs discerning children with special needs and how interrogations must be conducted with them, Children‘s Rights Protection system in the Kingdom of Norway, Children‘s Rights Protection service “Barnevernet“, Children‘s Well-being service in Norway, conclusions and suggestions. The results/conclusion - Thesis results were achieved, and the objectives of the thesis have been answered. In Lithuania, Children’s Rights Protection is insured by the state, its institutions, public organizations, and local self-governance institutions whose activities are related with Children’s Rights Protection. In a criminal process, a child can be either a witness, victim or suspect. A court psychologist participates in the whole judicial process together with a child. He is a mediator between the child’s family or relatives and the child himself. The system is much stricter when compared to Lithuania’s. When an incident of some sort occurs in a family, like violent acts against children by parents or there exist unsuitable, unsafe living conditions in the family, specialists from Children’s Right’s Protection are given right to take that child into custody at any time of day and without the approval of parents. Short suggestions/recommendations - on how to solve the revealed issues worth improving. It is hoped that the implementation of the new law on 1st of July will make it work better and more smoothly. Also, it will be possible to receive the required assistance during any part of the day and children will be provided with more care. The work consists of 48 pages, 1 table, 2 pictures, 43 references and sources of information, 3 appendices. en
dc.description.abstract Nagrinėta tema šiuo metu yra ypatingai svarbi ir reikšminga, kadangi nuo liepos 1 dienos keičiasi vaiko teisių apsaugos įstatymas, atsiras daug naujovių ir įvairių pasikeitimų vaiko teisių apsaugoje. Šiame darbe buvo nagrinėta Lietuvos vaiko teisių apsaugos sistema, institucijos, kurios įgyvendina vaiko teises, taip pat kaip vyksta vaiko apklausa, kokie galimi pažeidimai tos apklausos metu, taip pat buvo apžvelgta ir Norvegijos vaiko teisių apsaugos sistema. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject Vaiko teisių apsauga en_US
dc.title Vaiko teisių apsauga baudžiamajame procese en_US
dc.title.alternative On Children’s Rights Protection criminal process en
dc.type Other en_US

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