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Relevance of the topic. Every year, people of all ages buy sports goods more and more. According to the data of the Department of Physical Education and Sports under the Government of the Republic of Lithuania, the interest in sport increases by 10 percent every year. Such indicators show that interest in sport and healthy lifestyle is growing every year. The growing number of sports shops across Lithuania, as well as in Kaunas, the growing entry of the sporting goods giants into the infrastructure of Kaunas sports goods stores shows that Kaunas is attractive to sports fans. As the economy recovers, the number and quality of services is increasing and improving. Under such changes and improving the marketing complex, understanding the peculiarities of marketing complex formation and the proper use of its element is theoretical and practical. The goal of each company is to be exceptional and the advantage over others. The secret of the company's success depends on the public's attitude towards it, so much attention is paid to the development of the marketing complex. In order to meet the needs of the users and determine the factors that determine the usage of the S-Sport shop services, it is necessary to evaluate the employees' response to the elements of the marketing complex and to find out the efficiency of the elements of the S-Sport marketing complex from the point of view of the shop employees The problem. There is always great competition in the market for store services. Nowadays, nice layout and good advertising are no longer enough. The offer of these days is full of similar offers. Therefore, great attention is paid to customer retention and attraction. To achieve a competitive advantage, it is necessary to develop an effective service marketing complex. Many store managers and individuals who are responsible for marketing do not have enough knowledge about the marketing complex and do not understand its value for the company. In order to stay in the market, the store must make full use of all the support, pricing, product, location, advertising, etc. provided. opportunities. A well-coordinated and efficiently used marketing complex satisfies consumers' expectations and desires. Consumers who are satisfied will help the company achieve its goals. So there is a problem how to improve the use of the elements of the marketing complex in the store. Aim of the thesis: Analyze the marketing complex, perform the analysis of the marketing complex of the S-Sport shop, and make suggestions for the development of the marketing complex of the S-Sport store.
Work tasks: 1. Perform a theoretical analysis of service marketing complex. 2. To analyze and evaluate the marketing complex of the S-Sport store, the most important preconditions of the marketing complex development company. 3. Provide the store with the S-Sport marketing complex development solutions. Subject: Improvement of the marketing complex of the S-Sport shop. Work structure: Theoretical part is the analysis of scientific literature, scientific articles, legal acts, information presented on the subject of the Internet. In this section, based on information sources, an analysis of the specific problem related to the theme of the final thesis is performed. The analytical part is the presentation and analysis of information about the problem situation in the selected object. In this section, we analyze the problem in question. The design part is specific solutions to the problem identified, based on the concepts chosen in the theoretical part of the thesis. Results: After analyzing the needs of the store's customers and based on the results of the research, the research revealed that certain parts of marketing are weak and need to be improved. Therefore, one year's costs were provided to improve the marketing complex. Short suggestions / recommendations. Due to poor marketing practices in this company, there are several suggestions for improving marketing. The shop could be more advertised, the store's current location could be replaced by the center. |
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dc.description.abstract |
Sporto prekes kiekvienais metais vis daugiau ir daugiau perka
įvairaus amţiaus ţmonės. Remiantis kūno kultūros ir sporto departamentu prie Lietuvos respublikos
vyriausybės duomenimis kiekvienais metais 10 procentų padidėja susidomėjimas sportu. Tokie
rodikliai rodo, kad domėjimasis sportu ir sveika gyvensena kiekvienais metais auga. Vis didėjantis
sportinių parduotuvių skaičius visoje Lietuvoje, tiek Kaune, auganti sporto prekių parduotuvių
gigantams įėjimas į Kauno sportinių prekių parduotuvių infrastruktūra rodo, kad Kaunas yra
patrauklus sporto gerbėjams. Atsigaunant ekonomikai paslaugų kiekis ir kokybė didėja ir gerėja.
Vykstant tokiems pokyčiams ir tobulinant marketingo kompleksą yra aktualus marketingo
komplekso formavimo ypatumų supratimas ir jo element tinkamas panaudojimas, teoriniu, tiek
praktiniu poţiūriu. Kiekvienos įmonės tikslas būti išskirtine ir pranašumas prieš kitas. Įmonės
sėkmės paslaptis priklauso nuo visuomenės poţiūrio apie ją, todėl daug dėmesio skiriama
marketingo komplekso tobulinimui. Norint patenkinti vartotojų poreikius ir nustatant veiksnius,
lemiančius vartotojų naudojimasi S-Sportas parduotuvės paslaugomis, būtina įvertinti darbuotojų
atsaką į marketingo komplekso elementus, bei išsiaiškinti įmonės S-Sportas marketingo komplekso
elementų veiksmingumą parduotuvės darbuotojų poţiūriu. |
en_US |