DSpace talpykla

Studentų aktyvaus laisvalaikio organizavimo ypatumai Kauno mieste

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dc.contributor.author Savickas, Karolis
dc.date.accessioned 2019-08-29T06:27:56Z
dc.date.available 2019-08-29T06:27:56Z
dc.date.issued 2019-06-04
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/2556
dc.description In Kaunas city, there are no free or low-cost active leisure places because student income is very limited, especially if they come from a village or another city, so students prefer passive leisure activities. What is more, students understand the benefits of active leisure for their mental, physical and spiritual abilities, stress management, which often occurs among students in the study process. The main problem of the – in the modern world, physical activity is becoming less common among students. The further, the more often students actively turn their leisure time into passive: computers, television, and at home, arguing that there is a lack of active leisure facilities in Kaunas. Students are less likely to choose active leisure time, risk their physical capacity, physical and mental status. The aim of the – to find out what kind of active leisure methods students choose in Kaunas city. Objectives: 1. To describe the concept of leisure, forms and functions. 2. To investigate the peculiarities of active leisure activities of Kaunas city students. 3. To provide recommendations for improving the leisure time of Kaunas students. Methods: analysis of literature; questionnaire; descriptice statistics. The structure: theoretical part discusses the concept of leisure, forms and functions; in the analytical part of the work there are presented the results of the study on the peculiarities of the leisure time of Kaunas students, and the lack of leisure services in Kaunas city; the project part presents a project for the establishment of a new active leisure service in Kaunas city. The results/conclusions: Leisure is a free time from work and duties, causing emotional and spiritual satisfaction, which has a great influence on the quality of life, physical state of an individual, is vital for a person to be able to keep himself away from the routine and surrounding problems. Students prefer spending active leisure, which is usually spent in the nature or in the yard. Students in the most part in Kaunas city losing active leisure services for which they are willing to pay, like water entertainment. In Kaunas, there is a lack of active leisure services, and in the opinion of students, they would most like to increase water entertainment services. The proposal would be to set up water parks in nature, presenting a detailed project of the initiative to Kaunas. en
dc.description.abstract Kauno mieste trūksta nemokamų arba pigių aktyvaus laisvalaikio praleidimo vietų, nes kaip žinome studentų pajamos yra labai ribotos, ypač jeigu jie yra atvykę iš kaimo ar kito miesto, todėl studentai verčiau renkasi pasyvaus laisvalaikio praleidimo funkcijas. Taip pat, kaip studentai supranta aktyvaus laisvalaikio naudą jų protiniams, fiziniams bei dvasiniams sugebėjimams, streso malšinimui, kuris studijuojant dažnai pasitaiko studentų tarpe. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject aktyvus laisvalaikis, laisvalaikio organizavimas, sporto paslaugos en_US
dc.title Studentų aktyvaus laisvalaikio organizavimo ypatumai Kauno mieste en_US
dc.title.alternative Peculiarities of Students Active Leisure Organization in Kaunas City en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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