Nėštumo metu yra labai svarbu saugoti savo burnos ertmės sveikatą, kuri turi įtakos tiek besilaukiančios moters, tiek vaisiaus sveikatai. Šio darbo tikslas – nustatyti moterų žinias apie burnos ligų gydymą ir profilaktiką nėštumo metu Lietuvoje ir Ispanijoje
Relevance of the work: It is very important during pregnancy to protect the health of your oral cavity, which affects the health of both the pregnant woman and the fetus. Hormonal changes in the body during pregnancy increase the risk of periodontal disease. Gum and periodontal diseases are associated with premature birth and low birth weight. An increased amount of cariesogenic bacteria in a woman's mouth results in a higher incidence of dental caries. Research shows that babies are most likely to become infected by mothers (Bendinskaitė, 2015).
The aim of this thesis is to identify women 's knowledge about the treatment and prevention of oral diseases during pregnancy in Lithuania and Spain.
1. Describe the changes in the oral cavity during pregnancy,
2. To reveal oral diseases, their prevention and treatment during pregnancy.
3. To determine women's knowledge of oral diseases and their prevention during pregnancy in Lithuania and Spain.
4. To evaluate the compliance of female oral disease prevention during pregnancy in Lithuania and Spain.
Methodology of investigation:
In this work the analysis of scientific literature and questionnaire was carried out. The study was conducted in March - April 2019. The aim of the study was to identify women 's knowledge of the treatment and prevention of oral diseases during pregnancy in Lithuania and Spain. A quantitative descriptive study of at least 100 respondents was selected. During the survey, the number of respondents was 214 women, 107 women living in Lithuania and 107 women living in Spain. In order to assess women's knowledge of oral diseases and their prophylaxis during pregnancy, a quantitative study was performed, the data collection method was chosen - anonymous survey.
Research Results and Conclusions:
The results of the study showed that both Lithuanian and Spanish women have similar levels of knowledge about oral diseases and their prophylaxis during pregnancy. Women do not get enough knowledge about the need to visit a dentist during pregnancy and the potential impact of oral diseases on pregnancy. Women also do not know when to treat teeth during pregnancy. In evaluating compliance with oral disease prevention during pregnancy, women in Lithuanian and Spanish survey did not show adequate knowledge.