Šio darbo tikslas – nustatyti radiologijos technologo vaidmenį atliekant inkstų intraveninį tyrimą. Tyrimo problema yra prastas pacientų informuotumas, dėl kurio gali nukentėti inkstų intraveninio tyrimo kokybė. Siekiant nustatyti paciento informuotumą ir radiologijos technologo vaidmenį, buvo sudaryta anoniminė anketa skirta pacientams. Rezultatai parodė, kad dauguma pacientų savo žinias apie tyrimą vertina vidutiniškai, o radiologijos technologai atlieka svarbų vaidmenį užtikrinant paciento saugą ir gerovę tyrimo metu.
Aim of study: to evaluate the role of radiology technician in intravenous urography
1. To describe intravenous urography and competence of radiology technicians 2. To assess the knowledge of patients about intravenous urography, preparation, effects o contrast media and role of radiology technicians 3. To determine the role of radiology technicians in intravenous urography research
Methods: Anonymous questionnaire distributed in 2018 March-May in LSMUL KK. Statistical analysis performed applying Microsoft Excel software.
Materials: Patients who arrived for intravenous urography examination. 70 patients were interviewed.
Results: Majority of patients valued their knowledge about intravenous urography as average (42,9 pct.) or good (31,4 pct.). It was determined that most of the patients receive information about intravenous urography from their doctors (98,5 pct.).
In valuing the role of radiology technicians in intravenous urography, 87,1 % of patients said that technician informed them about the steps during examination. 85,7 % of respondents said that used safety equipment during examination. Overall 91,4 % of respondents left satisfied with the job that radiology technician did during examination
Conclusions: Majority of patients valued their knowledge as average. The role of radiology technician is very important so it would be ensured that patients experience smooth and high quality examination.