Burnos sveikatos svarba ir pagrindiniai burnos ertmės priežiūros principa. Burnos higienisto vaidmuo motyvuojant žmones rūpintis savo burnos ertmės sveikata. Šeimos narių požiūris į burnos ertmės higieną prieš tai, kai vienas iš šeimos narių pradėjo studijuoti burnos higienos studijų programoje ir po to.
Gabrielė Girdauskaitė (Dental hygiene study programme) conducted a thesis “Dental hygiene student‟s family member‟s changing of their approach to oral cavity care”. Supervisor of the thesis − Lect. Rita Juchnevičienė. Kaunas College, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Dental Health; Kaunas, 2018.
The aim of the thesis − to reveal the attitude of family members towards the care of the oral cavity and change, when one of the family members began to study in the oral hygiene study program.
The tasks are:
1. To describe the importance of oral health and the basic principles of oral cavity.
2. To reveal the role of oral hygienist in motivating people to take care of their oral cavity
3. To reveal the attitude of family members towards oral hygiene before one of the family members began to study oral hygiene study program and beyond.
In the final work, the analysis of scientific literature and semi−structured in−depth qualitative interview were carried out based on the pre−made open questionnaire. The respondents were interviewed individually, and conversations with them were recorded in the voice recorder. In order to reveal family members' attitude to oral cavity care and change, when one of the family members began to study in the oral hygiene study program, the members of the students' families were interviewed. The study was conducted in April−May in 2018. The study involved 7 members of the family of oral hygiene study program students. The participants of the research were selected by using a targeted, homogeneous sample. The criterion for the selection of survey informants is the student's family member of the oral hygiene study program. The research instrument consisted of 11 questions that may have been somewhat corrected or supplemented during the interview. The qualitative content analysis was chosen for the data processing.
The study revealed that the most of informants, before their family member began to study in the oral hygiene study program, took care of their oral health primitively, were not interested in it, and used less products of dental care and also they rarely did a PBH (professional oral hygiene) procedures properly before. All informants stated that after their family member began to study in the oral hygiene
study program, their oral cavity care quality improved, and the approach to oral cavity care changed significantly. They learned a lot of new and useful information about individual and professional oral care, started using the dental care products more correctly and had the PBH procedures more often, due to the fact that family members are more trustworthy. What is more, when the oral hygienist appeared in the family, information on oral care became easier to access.