Tyrimų, rodančių, kad socialiniai darbuotojai, kurie teikia socialines paslaugas senyvo amžiaus žmonėms, gyvenantiems globos namuose, patiria sunkumų, yra labai mažai. O Lietuvoje darbo autorė tokių atliktų tyrimų iš viso neaptiko. Anot Richards ir kt. (2013), mokslinių tyrimų apie socialinio darbo ypatumus su senyvo amžiaus žmonėmis trūksta dėl susidomėjimo socialiniu darbu su vyresnio amžiaus žmonėmis nebuvimo.
Relevance of topic: Research shows that social workers who provide social services to elderly people living in care homes are experiencing difficulties. In Lithuania the author of the work did not find any kind of those kind of researches at all. According to Richards et al. (2013) lack of research on social peculiarities with elderly people due to lack of interest in social work with older people. The aim of the work - to reveal the difficulties faced by social workers providing social services to elderly people living in care homes. The object of the work - the difficulties faced by social workers providing social services to elderly people living in care homes. The research question - what difficulties do social workers face in providing social services to elderly people living in care homes. Research methods: comparative analysis, quantitative analysis, data analysis. Research conclusion: According to the results of the survey, the surveyed social workers in elderly care homes in Lithuania are satisfied with their work and conditions, paid wages, rarely experiencing stress, but often have conflict situations with the relatives of elderly people, and often have to work overtime. It has been found that social workers job - who work with the elderly people - is difficult, because people who are accommodated in elderly care homes are not able to take care of themselves - very often elderly people are under stroke, have various long-term health problems, often have pain, chronic illnesses because of losing their relatives. Of course, this situation leads to depression, irritability, persistent dissatisfaction and bad mood. Beside that older people often experience stress, change their behavior, mood, and social workers have to apply various methods of social work and play different roles in order to help them. The biggest dissatisfaction with social workers is the devaluation of their work and the lack of career opportunities.