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Relevance of the topic. Research on violence against elderly people in families is a poorly researched topic, especially in Lithuania, but, as Mikulioniene (2011) states, this does not mean that the problem is not relevant for Lithuania. Inappropriate treatment of elderly people is expressed in various ways – from neglect in care, to violence (physical, financial, emotional, psychological, etc.). Often, such relationships require intervention, as elderly parents of weak health are offended by their caregivers, guardians, relatives or adult children. Aim of the research: to identify the role of a social worker while working with elderly people experiencing psychological violence in their immediate environment. Subject matter of the research: the roles of the social worker while working with elderly people experiencing psychological violence in their immediate environment. Research question: what are the roles of a social worker while working with elderly people experiencing psychological violence in their immediate environment? Method of the research: a qualitative study was carried out using a semi-structured interview method. Findings of the research. It has been found that in his/her practice a social worker performs various roles, but from the many roles, while working with elderly people experiencing psychological violence in their immediate environment, the following roles were revealed in the research as to be the most important: the roles of the empowered person, educator, consultant, mediator, advocate. The research revealed not only what roles of a social worker being performed, but also the roles that are the most important and the roles that are not fully realized. There is a strong need for a consultant’s role. The research found that elderly people experiencing psychological violence in their immediate environment were considering the possibilities of consultation, but they did not look for ways of solving the problem themselves, and did not go anywhere until a social worker appeared in their home. There was lack of the strength of the consultant's role while communicating with perpetrators. The initial and perhaps the most important role is the empowering person. In cases of psychological violence it is very important to help the elderly identify what has happened, give him the opportunity to speak, express their feelings, thoughts and fears, discover strengths, and take responsibility for helping the client in solving his problem. In the role of a mediator, there was a lack of communication between institutions. |
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Moksliniai tyrimai apie smurtą prieš pagyvenusius žmones šeimose yra menkai tyrinėta tema, ypač Lietuvoje, tačiau, kaip teigia Mikulionienė (2011), tai nereiškia, jog Lietuvai ši problema nėra aktuali. Netinkamas elgesys su pagyvenusio amžiaus žmonėmis išreiškiamas įvairiai - nuo aplaidumo prižiūrint iki smurto (fizinio, finansinio, emocinio, psichologinio ir pan.). Dažnai tokie santykiai pareikalauja intervencijos, nes silpnos sveikatos pagyvenę tėvai yra skriaudžiami savo prižiūrėtojų, globėjų, artimųjų ar suaugusių vaikų, todėl šių problemų sprendime svarbus vaidmuo tenka socialiniam darbuotojui. |
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