Socialinių darbuotojų dirbančių su protinę negalią turinčiais asmenimis, socialinių paslaugų centre patiriamas darbinis stresas yra didelė ir vis dar pakankamai neištirta problema, nes būtent apie socialinių darbuotojų patiriamą stresą vis dar nėra labai daug informacijos. Dauguma socialinių darbuotojų, dirbančių su protinę negalią turinčiais asmenimis socialinių paslaugų centre, patiria stresą, to priežastys yra įvairios ir suvaldyti stresines situacijas kylančias darbe yra labai sunku. Todėl socialiniams darbuotojams dirbantiems su protinę negalią turinčiais asmenimis, reikalinga įvairi pagalba.
Revelance of the research: The work stress experienced by the social service centre workers who take care of people with intellectual disabilities is still a serious and not sufficiently explored issue since there is not enough information about the stress experienced by these social workers. Most social workers who work with people with intellectual disabilities in the centre of social services are experiencing stress, the reasons for which are varied and it is very difficult to manage stressful situations arising at work. Therefore, social workers working with people with intellectual disabilities need diverse assistance. The aim of the research: to determine the factors of stress experienced by a social worker while working with people with intellectual disabilities in the centre of social services. Object of the thesis: the factors of stress experienced by a social worker working with people with intellectual disabilities in the centre of social services. Research question: what are the factors that cause stress in a social worker job when working with people with intellectual disabilities in the center of social services? Research method: a questionnaire survey. A targeted survey was conducted. The target group of respondents – 30 social workers working with people with intellectual disabilities in the centre of social services – was chosen for the reseach. The main findings: The study has revealed that more than half of the social workers who work with people with intellectual disabilities are experiencing work-related stress very often. The most common factors that cause stress at work for social workers dealing with people with intellectual disabilities are: working conditions, work activities. Working conditions that are the cause of the stress experienced by the social workers are usually wages, heavy workloads, lack of rest at the workplace, lack of specialist assistance, lack of access to work equipment. Work activities that cause the most stress for the social workers working with people with intellectual disabilities are counseling, development of everyday skills and engaging in daily activities. Peculiarities of clients with disability that put stress at work for social workers working with people with intellectual disabilities are: clients passivity in employment, personal aggression, disability level and personal hygiene. Half of the respondents say that it is very difficult to cope with stressful
situations in their work. The responses of social workers to the work-related stress varie from anger, sadness, fury, feeling of insecurity to the desire to eat or the desire to consume alcohol. The most marked changes in health associated with work-related stress are: headache, high blood pressure. According to the data presented in the study, it could be argued that the majority of respondents try to reduce the stress at work by spending time with the family. Social workers who work with people with intellectual disabilities need a variety of support because of the work-related stress they are experiencing. The most needed support is the support from their colleagues - almost all respondents noted this together with the trainings on stress management, counseling and psychologist counseling.