dc.contributor.author |
Šikšniuvienė, Iveta |
dc.date.accessioned |
2019-06-26T07:53:43Z |
dc.date.available |
2019-06-26T07:53:43Z |
dc.date.issued |
2019-06-13 |
dc.identifier.uri |
http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/1692 |
dc.description |
Relevance of the topic. Death of a child leaves an extremely deep and painful wound in the heart of the parents. There is an increase in the incidence of oncological diseases in Lithuania. It is important to note that according to the data of the National Cancer Institute, 60 new cases of children‘s oncological disease were registered in 2012, while the Hygiene Institute recorded 163 new cases in 2017. It is not easy to reconcile, accept the fact, not be angry at life and destiny, and try to get back to everyday life. In order to help parents to survive the loss they require support that responds to their hopes and needs and would help them not to feel socially excluded, would show that the help is available and can be obtained. Therefore, it is necessary to find out what psychosocial help would be the most helpful for parents who have lost their child due to oncological disease. Work objective. To identify the need for social worker‘s psychosocial support for a family who has lost a child due to oncological disease. Research object. The need of a social worker for psychosocial support for a family who has lost a child due to oncological disease. The scientific question. What is the need for a social worker‘s psychosocial support for a family child who has lost a child due to oncological disease? Investigation method. Qualitative research method, semi-structured interview. The conclusion of the study. The study revealed that acceptance and reconciliation with the current situation depends particularly on the initial contact with the treating physician. His attention, clear description of the illness, discussion of the treatment, constant bilateral communication facilitates the stage of reconciliation with the disease. The need and importance of timely complex (including physician, psychologist, social worker) assistance throughout the treatment period and especially after the child's loss was noted. The study also revealed the need for interinstitutional cooperation to help the family survive the loss, provide the necessary psychosocial assistance, monitor, analyze changes throughout the mourning and in many cases even longer. |
en |
dc.description.abstract |
Vaiko mirtis, tai ypatingai gilias ir skaudžias širdies žaizdas paliekanti patirtis tėvų gyvenime. Lietuvoje stebimas sergamumo šia liga didėjimas. Svarbu paminėti, kad Nacionalinio vėžio instituto duomenimis 2012 metais buvo registruota 60 naujų vaikų susirgimų atvejų, kai tuo tarpu Higienos institutas jau 2017 metais fiksavo 163 naujus susirgimas. Susitaikyti, priimti faktą, nepykti ant gyvenimo ir likimo, pasistengti grįžti į kasdieninį gyvenimą ypač nelengva. Siekiant padėti tėvams išgyventi netektį reikalinga pagalba, kuri atlieptų tėvų viltis ir poreikius, padėtų jiems nesijausti socialinėje atskirtyje, parodytų, kad pagalba yra čia pat ir galima ją gauti. Todėl būtina išsiaiškinti, kokia psichosocialinė pagalba labiausiai padėtų tėvams, netekusiems vaiko dėl onkologinės ligos. |
en_US |
dc.language.iso |
other |
en_US |
dc.subject |
Onkologijos samprata, socialinis darbas, socialinis darbuotojas,šeima, poreikis, psichosocialinė pagalba |
en_US |
dc.title |
Socialinio darbuotojo psichosocialinės pagalbos poreikis šeimai praradusiai vaiką dėl onkologinės ligos |
en_US |
dc.title.alternative |
Need for Social Worker’s Psychosocial Support for a Family with a Lost Child from an Oncological Disease |
en_US |
dc.type |
Other |
en_US |