DSpace talpykla

Magnetinio rezonanso tomografija besitiriančių pacientų fizinė ir emocinė būklė

Rodyti paprastą įrašą

dc.contributor.author Adomavičiūtė, Gabrielė
dc.date.accessioned 2019-06-10T11:17:07Z
dc.date.available 2019-06-10T11:17:07Z
dc.date.issued 2019-06-06
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/1525
dc.description Revelence of the topic. During the period 2013-2014, a study was conducted in England to find out the experience and acceptability of total body magnetic resonance imaging in patients, compared to a specific area scan. The results of the study revealed that all individuals, who participated in magnetic resonance imaging faced psychological and physical challenges. (Evans et al., 2017). According to the data of the 2017 Accreditation Service, the use of magnetic resonance imaging in Lithuanian health care institutions has increased to 11%. (VASPVT, 2019), so this study is increasingly being done to diagnose various health disorders. It is important for a radiology technologist, who is working in magnetic resonance imaging, to understand what physical and emotional sensations the patient is experiencing during the scan and the impact of negative reactions to the quality of medical images. Aim of the study. To reveal the physical and emotional experiences of patients undergoing magnetic resonance imaging, the following objects had to be performed: 1) theoretically describe the physical and emotional experience of patients in magnetic resonance imaging; 2) determine the physical and emotional sensations of respondents who are experiencing magnetic resonance imaging using interview; 3) compare the survey data of the first-time undergoing scan responders and those who are already repeating the magnetic resonanse imaging study. Research methodology. Scientific works of lithuanian and foreign authors were analyzed. Patient survey was carried out in the Kaunas Republic Hospital in March-April 2019. The permission of the LSMU Bioethics Center was obtained, the institution's approval for the study was approved. 10 respondents were interviewed. The survey tool was an interview. Respondents. 10 volunteers participated in the research. Research findings and results. Information from the literature on the physical and emotional state of patients during magnetic resonance imaging coincided with the physical and emotional sensations of patients during the survey. The physical sensations that the patients distinguished were long period of lying still, heat, cramped space and noise. Emotionally patients felt claustrophoby, panic attacks and a feeling of discomfort. Results of the study showed, that patients who repeated the study felt physically and emotionally better than the first-time magnetic resonance imaging participants en_US
dc.description.abstract Baigiamąjį bakalauro darbą sudaro dvi dalys. Pirmoji – teorinė dalis skirta mokslinės literatūros analizei, antroji – empirinio tyrimo organizavimui, metodams ir rezultatams. Darbo tikslas: Atskleisti pacientų, kurie tiriasi magnetinio rezonanso tomografija, fizinius ir emocinius potyrius jiems atliekamo tyrimo metu. Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Aprašyti magnetinio rezonanso veikimo principus ir literatūroje pateikiamas fizines bei emocines pacientų patirtis magnetinio rezonanso tomografijos metu. 2. Nustatyti respondentų, besitiriančių magnetinio rezonanso tomografija, fizinius ir emocinius pojūčius naudojant struktūruotą interviu. 3. Palyginti pirmą kartą besitiriančių ir tyrimą jau kartojančių pacientų patirtis. Rezultatai ir išvados: Mokslinėje literatūroje gauta informacija apie pacientų fizinę ir emocinę būklę magnetinio rezonanso tomografijos metu sutapo su apklausos metu pacientų išskirtais fiziniais ir emociniais pojūčiais. Fiziniai pojūčiai, kuriuos išskyrė pacientai, buvo ilgas gulėjimo laikas, karštis, ankšta vieta ir triukšmas. Emociškai pacientai jautė uždaros patalpos baimę, paniką ir nejaukumo pojūtį. Išanalizavus tyrimo metu gautus duomenis paaiškėjo, jog tyrimą kartojantys pacientai fiziškai ir emociškai jautėsi geriau, nei pirmą kartą besitiriantys magnetinio rezonanso tomografija. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject Magnetinio rezonanso tomografija, fiziniai ir emociniai pojūčiai, pacientai en_US
dc.title Magnetinio rezonanso tomografija besitiriančių pacientų fizinė ir emocinė būklė en_US
dc.title.alternative Physical and Emotional State of Patients Undergoing Magnetic Resonance Imaging Tests en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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