Darbo tikslas: Pristatyti radiologijos technologo dirbančio spindulinės terapijos skyriaus komandoje, savo darbo vertinimą.,
Tyrimo problema: Kaip radiologijos technologas, kuris dirba spindulinės terapijos skyriuje vertina savo darbą?
Tyrimo objektas: Radiologijos technologas, kuris dirba spindulinės terapijos skyriuje darbo vertinimas.
Tyrimo uždaviniai:
1. Pateikti spindulinės terapijos skyriaus struktūrą, darbo organizavimą bei radiologijos technologo darbo ir radiacinės saugos reikalavimų laikymosi svarbą spindulinės terapijos skyriuje;
2. Pateikti procedūrų atlikimo metodiką ir komandinio darbo svarbą dirbant spindulinės terapijos skyriuje;
3. Palyginti LSMUL Kauno klinikų, Kauno Onkologinės ligoninės, Vilniaus Nacionalinio vėžio instituto ir Šiaulių ligoninės spindulinės terapijos skyriaus radiologijos technologų darbo vertinimą.
Title of work: Radiology technologist working in radiotherapy units’ team job evaluation. Aim of the study: Present radiology technologist working in radiotherapy units team job evaluation. Objectives of the study:
1. Present the structure of the radiotherapy unit, work organization and radiology technologist work, radiation protection requirements importance of compliance in radiotherapy unit; 2. Present methology of procedures and the importance of teamwork in radiotherapy unit; 3. Compare LSMUL Kaunas clinics, Kaunas Oncology hospital, Siaulių hospital and Vilnius National cancer clinic radiotherapy units’ radiology technologist work evaluation.
Research methodology: The study was performed in 2017, from November to December in LSMUL Kaunas clinics, Kaunas Oncology hospital, Siaulių hospital and Vilnius National cancer clinics radiotherapy units. For this study was selected quantitative research – anonymous poll. Questionnaire consisted of 26 questions. Planned retreat 50 respondents but of questionnaire reciprocity – 45. The data analysis was done using the MS Excel program. Relevance: The chosen topic is relevant because advanced medical technologies and new treatments using ionizing radiation requires the participation of different specialists in the preparation and implementation of treatment plans in the radiotherapy department, which forms the team that participates in this process. Results and Conclusions: Analyzing scientific literature, radiotherapy was found to be an important part of the treatment of oncological diseases. Choosing the right treatment, calculating the dose for necessary radiation and carefully and responsibly carrying out the procedures requires a team of specialists consisting of an oncologist, a radiotherapist, a medical physicist and a radiology technologist. The purpose of the study is to find out how the radiology technologist evaluates himself as a team member. The results of the research suggest that most radiology technologists favor the presence of the radiotherapy team but would like to see better relationships without team leadership, free and clear expression of opinions.