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UAB „Keturios kojos“ veterinarijos klinikos įsteigimo galimybių įvertinimas Druskininkų mieste

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dc.contributor.author Šanturovas, Vladas
dc.date.accessioned 2019-03-05T11:09:41Z
dc.date.available 2019-03-05T11:09:41Z
dc.date.issued 2018-06
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/1046
dc.description Vladas Šanturovas. Possibilities to establish a veterinary clinic of the company "Keturioskojos" in Druskininkai city. Professional Bachelor thesis. Mentor of the thesis VitalijaSkėruvienė, Department of Administration, Kaunas College of Management and Economics. - Kaunas, 2018. 57 pages. There are only two veterinary clinics in Druskininkaicity which are offering animal treatment services. Those clinics are offering only a few treatments opportunities, so people are forced to go to nearby cities. Acquired veterinary doctor‘s diploma allows to create a business by a profession. The prepared work is relevant for starting a new business, performing market analysis, determining the investment required for the establishment of a business. Research problem: there are only few in Druskininkaicity veterinary clinic which are offering treatment service. Goal of the research: to establish the Veterinary Clinic "Keturioskojos" in Druskininkai. Methods of the research: 1. New service entry in market, theoretical analysis of the establishment of a new business. 2. SWOT analize. 2. Questionnaire survey and analysis of results. Thesis structure: The work consists of three main parts: theoretical, analytical and project. The theoretical part analyzes the information provided by various authors about the business establishment, the concept of a new service, features, and the possibilities for introduction into the market. The analytical part of the work presents the analysis of the competitors of the Veterinary Clinic "Keturioskojos", the company's SWOT analysis is performed, the results of the questionnaire are discussed. In the project part, the cost calculations are required for the creation and maintenance of the company. Findings and conclusions:establishing a veterinary clinic in Druskininkaicity is appropriate, as there is a sufficiently large number of customers and services are in demand. Current veterinary clinics do not meet the needs of consumers. The establishment of a clinic will cost 164520 EUR . Investments in the opening of the clinic should pay off within 5-6 years. The final bachelor's work consists of 57 pages, 10 tables, 20 pictures, 25 sources of literature and information and 7 appendixes. en
dc.description.abstract Darbe nagrinėjama naujos veterinarijos steigimo poreikis, atliekama mikro, makro aplinkos analizė, konkurentų, SSGG analizė, parengiami finansiniai skaičiavimai naujo verslo įsteigimui ir įmonės įkurimui. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject Verslas, nauja paslauga, steigimas, veterinarijos klinika. en_US
dc.title UAB „Keturios kojos“ veterinarijos klinikos įsteigimo galimybių įvertinimas Druskininkų mieste en_US
dc.title.alternative Possibilities to establish a veterinary clinic of the company "Keturioskojos" in Druskininkai city en
dc.type Other en_US

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