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Kauno miesto ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų burnos ertmės būklės ir jų tėvų požiūrio kaitos vertinimas

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dc.contributor.author Mikalonytė, Adelė
dc.date.accessioned 2019-03-04T11:46:14Z
dc.date.available 2019-03-04T11:46:14Z
dc.date.issued 2018-06
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/1035
dc.description The relevance of the problem and the aim of the paper Recently, the tooth whitening procedure has been rapidly gaining popularity worldwide. What is more, the American Dental Association (ADA) has recognized tooth whitening as one of the most effective and safest procedures in the aesthetic dentistry. A smile is a powerful communicative instrument. In the society there is a widespread notion that the mouth and the eyes are the main features of a person’s face that the focus is put on during the conversation, which is why a beautiful smile and white teeth become an expression of self-presentation. A relevant impression is also made by not quite healthy teeth, the shade of which has altered due to a variety of reasons, such as personal oral hygiene, individual oral hygiene and lifestyle. Significantly altered tooth colour is obvious and stares the interlocutor in the face, therefore, it may discourage not only the smile but also the communication itself. Tooth whitening embellishes and highlights the smile, gives self-confidence and facilitates communication. (Francci et al., 2010). The aim of the paper is to examine the oral hygiene habits and changes in tooth shades in patients whitening their teeth. Material and methods Patients who whiten their teeth were randomly interviewed in the social network Facebook and the website www.apklausa.lt. The questionnaire used for the research contained 29 questions, which included 10 questions related to oral hygiene habits, 3 questions related to professional hygiene habits, 6 questions related to tooth whitening, 4 questions aiming to assess the tooth shade and the aesthetic condition of the smile, 3 questions related to lifestyle habits, 3 questions related to the social status. The research involved (N = 115) respondents who whitened their teeth. Results The research involved 115 respondents, including 85% of women and 15% of men. Respondents belonged to different age groups, however, most of them were from 18 to 25 and from 26 to 33 years of age. According to the whitening method, the most preferred option was tooth whitening in the dental clinic – 70% of respondents selected this method and indicated that they felt safe during the tooth whitening procedure carried out by oral care professionals in a dental clinic. The results revealed that after tooth whitening procedure as many as 87% of respondents changed their oral hygiene habits: they started using oral care products that they had not previously used, visiting regular dental or oral hygienists, and they felt motivated by the whitening result and the desire to maintain healthy teeth. 32% of respondents started using a single-tuft toothbrush and 29% of respondents – interdental brushes. 59% of respondents rated their tooth shade by 7 points out of 10 and indicated that they would have preferred whiter teeth and that the tooth whitening procedure should be repeated. However, as many as 88% of respondents were satisfied with the whitening results, and 12% were unsatisfied as they had expected a greater changed in the tooth shade or because the difference between the shades of whitened teeth and the restorations was highlighted. Conclusions The conducted research demonstrated that younger people are more concerned about the colour of their teeth; tooth whitening is one of the reasons encouraging the change in the oral hygiene habits. The change in the teeth shade depends on the etiology, localization, structure, as well as age and sex, presented in more detail in the literature analysis. en
dc.description.abstract Išnagrinėjus mokslinę literatūrą ir atlikus duomenų analizę buvo gautos išvados. Darbą sudaro įvadas, keturi skyriai. Iki trečio skyriaus analizuojama mokslinė literatūra, o ketvirtajame skyriuje aprašoma ir pateikiama empirinio tyrimo metodika bei rezultatai. Darbe atlikus tyrimą, gauta, kad jaunesnio amžiaus žmonės yra labiau susirūpinę savo dantų spalva, dantų balinimas yra viena iš priežasčių dėl ko pasikeitė burnos higienos įpročiai: pradėjo naudoti burnos priežiūros priemones, kurių anksčiau nenaudojo, reguliariai lankytis pas gydytojus odontologus ar burnos higienistus, juos motyvavo gautas rezultatas po balinimo bei noras išlaikyti sveikus, baltus dantis. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject Burnos higiena, dantų balinimas, dantų spalva. en_US
dc.title Kauno miesto ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų burnos ertmės būklės ir jų tėvų požiūrio kaitos vertinimas en_US
dc.title.alternative Patients’ with Whitened Teeth Oral Hygiene Habits and Changes of Teeth Colour en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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