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Socialiniai ir psichologiniai veiksniai lemiantys pacientų baimę odontologijos kabinete

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dc.contributor.author Matusevičiūtė, Karolina
dc.date.accessioned 2019-03-04T08:29:37Z
dc.date.available 2019-03-04T08:29:37Z
dc.date.issued 2018-06
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/1017
dc.description Karolina Matusevičiūtė (dental care studies) carried out a Professional Bachelor‘s thesis on the theme „Social and psychological factors influencing patients fear in odontology room “. Final work/ work manager lecturer Evelina Barkauskaitė. Kaunas College, Faculty of Medicine, The Oral Health Department. Kaunas; 2018. The aim of this thesis is to identify social and psychological factors influencing patients fear in odontology room. Objectives to be raised: 1. To describe the concept and types of fear for dental care. 2. To identify the ways which cause dental fear and the ways of defeating fear. 3. To highlight psychological and social factors that influence patients fear appearing. 4. To reveal psychological and social factors influence fear of dental treatments the most. In this thesis the analysis of scientific literature and the survey on the internet and in written form has been carried out. The research took place in private clinics, in Kaunas, while other questionnaires were shared online, on social websites. There were 146 participants in total in this research: 10% (15) of them were men and other 90% (131) – women, aged 17-54. The questionnaire consists of 16 questions: 2 of them were contextual, other 14 – to identify social and psychological factors influencing patients fear in odontology room. The statistical analysis of data was carried out using SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences). Tables and graphics were made by MS Excel 2010. All the results were calculated using descriptive statistics methods (medium and rate). The results of this thesis have revealed that fear for dental care is quite serious issue, regardless of age or sex. Usually people go to see odontologist already having serious dental problems that encourages fear for dental care, negative past experiences and avoid of further treatments. It is not a surprise that fear is being influenced by other people stories and experiences as well. For these reasons, we may feel anxious about our oral cavity, in front of others or even our doctor – odontologist. Therefore, trust in doctor and staff is stated as quite significant aspect influencing the fear for dental treatments. Qualified, communicative, kind and informative doctor helps to reduce stress and fear for dental treatments in general. What is more, this research has also revealed that most of unpleasant experiences and fears occurs in the waiting room, is caused by tools, such as dental drill, medical squirt for anesthetics, or even by sounds and noises that come from the odontology room. en
dc.description.abstract kabinete lemiantys socialiniai ir psichologiniai veiksniai. Išnagrinėjus mokslinę literatūrą bei atlikus kiekybinio tyrimo duomenų analizę buvo pateiktos išvados. Darbą sudaro įvadas, šeši skyriai, išvados, literatūros sąrašas bei priedai. Pirmame skyriuje apibrėžiama dantų gydymo baimės samprata ir rūšys. Antrame skyriuje aprašyti dantų gydymo baimės įgijimo būdai. Trečiame skyriuje išskirti socialiniai ir psichologiniai veiksniai turintys įtakos pacientų odontologinės baimės atsiradimui. Ketvirtame skyriuje aprašyti būdai, padedantys įveikti odontologinę baimę. Penktame skyriuje pristatoma empirinė tyrimo metodologija ir metodika. Šeštame skyriuje aptariami tyrimo rezultatai. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject Odontologinė baimė, socialiniai veiksniai, psichologiniai veiksniai en_US
dc.title Socialiniai ir psichologiniai veiksniai lemiantys pacientų baimę odontologijos kabinete en_US
dc.title.alternative Social and psychological factors influencing patients fear in odontology room en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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