Baigiamajame bakalauro darbe buvo apibendrintos LR receptų rašymo taisyklės, aprašyta dažniausiai daromos klaidos jų ištaisymo bei prevencijos galimybes bei atskleista farmacijos specialistų patirtis gavus neteisingai išrašytą gydytojo receptą. Atlikus mokslinės ir dalykinės literatūros analizę bei atlikus kokybinį tyrimą buvo pateiktos išvados. Darbą sudaro įvadas, trys skyriai, išvados, rekomendacijos, literatūros sąrašas bei priedai. Darbo apimtis – 37pl. 24 bibliografinių šaltinių.
Specialists of pharmacy are one of the most accessible specialist in health care. Patients, visiting the pharmacy, trust pharmacy specialists and expect to always receive medicine that they need as well as how to use it. Specialist of pharmacy, performing pharmaceutical service must do it according to good pharmaceutical practice regulations, drug prescription and administration to the patients rules, that clearly states the specialists acts while selling prescribed and over the counter medicine. Therefore if prescription received form patient does not fulfil all regulations set by the Ministry of health of the republic of Lithuania, it is seen as invalid and prescribed medicine or medical aid cannot be administered in the pharmacy. In the situations when the patient does receive the prescribed medicine in time there is possibility of danger to their health or life.
The goal of the thesis – to analyze the specialists of pharmacy experience when received prescription with an error. Objectives: 1. To summarize the concept of prescription, prescription forms, the post important rules of prescribing and medicine administration rules. 2. To analyze the prescription errors and possibilities to correct them. 3. To disclose the experience of the specialist of pharmacy with received prescriptions with an error. The study was conducted using qualitative method (observation, structured interview), specialist of pharmacy working in city X community pharmacy were interviewed, pharmacy technicians and pharmacists. The work experience of the respondents’ average is 15 years. The research showed that pharmacy specialists in the city X community pharmacy, after receiving prescription from the patient question for whom the prescription is written and only then look over if the prescription is written according to all regulations. All of the pharmacy specialist has encountered with prescription errors however according to them the prescriptions written by the doctors are usually filled out correctly. Despite that, if received prescription has faults, if there is a possibility, they try to correct it in the pharmacy and only if there is no other way, patient is sent back to the doctor.