Nepakankamos investicijos, dirbant su įmonės vartotojais, gali paskatinti vartotojų praradimą ir finansinius nuostolius, todėl reikia žinoti, kokie veiksniai lemia vartotojų pasitenkinimą preke ir kaip skatinti vartotojų lojalumą. Pagal atlikto tyrimo rezultatus, UAB „Achempak“ pateikti pasiūlymai vartotojų lojalumui didinti: seminarai vadybininkams, vizitai pas vartotojus ir lojalumo taškų programa CRM sistemoje.
Augustė Neimontaitė. Professional BA thesis. Enhancing Consumer Loyalty of UAB ACHEMPAK. Supervisor Lecturer Mindaugas Samuolaitis. Kauno kolegija/ University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Management and Economics, Department of Administration. – Kaunas, 2018. 60 pages. The main goal of organization is to get as much market share as possible and maximize profits. Loyal consumers are the main beneficiaries of the business, so it is important to know how to satisfy consumers and keep up with them for long – term relationships. The main problem: insufficient investment in working with business users can lead to consumers losses and financial losses, so it is needed to know what determines consumers satisfaction with the product and how to promote their loyalty. The aim: to analyze the possibilities of increasing consumers loyalty in UAB ACHEMPAK. Methods of work: analysis of literature and other sources of information, analysis of company data, quantitative research – structured interviews. The structure: the theoretical part discusses the concept of loyalty, the importance of loyalty to the company, the modification and behavioral loyalty, describes the types of consumers, the tools of consumers loyalty, reviews the factors determining the consumers loyalty in the business – to – business market. The practical part of the work presents the characteristic of UAB ACHEMPAK, analyzes the marketing activities, analyzes the research, identifies the loyalty of the company‘s customers, presents the research methodology, organizes, discusses the results and summarizes them. The results: the investigation revealed that according to consumers, one of the places to be refined is the lack of specificity in dealing with managers, as well as a lack of focus on users and there is no loyalty system. The average amount of cooperation with the company was estimated at 8,55 points. Short suggestions/ recommendations for UAB ACHEMPAK: after clarifying the locations of the company's improvement, there are three proposals that will promote consumer loyalty: seminars for company managers and their motivation, consumers visits and loyalty program implementation – CRM system. Scope of the work – the work consists of 60 pages, 21 tables, 6 pictures, 34 references and sources of information, 4 appendices.