DSpace talpykla

Namų ūkių kreditavimo AB SEB banke tyrimas

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dc.contributor.author Sarapinaitė, Gabrielė
dc.date.accessioned 2019-02-26T09:25:37Z
dc.date.available 2019-02-26T09:25:37Z
dc.date.issued 2018-06-06
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/995
dc.description Gabrielė Sarapinaitė. Households Lending at JSC SEB Bank Research. Professional BA thesis. Academic supervisor: lecturer Danutė Binkienė, Accountancy and Finance Department, Faculty of Management and Economics, Kauno kolegija/ University of Applied Sciences. Current situation of loan portfolio of credit institutions, when households take part of half of those loan portfolios, leads to understanding, that the financial status and conduct of households make a significant impact for the whole stability of our country’s finance system. So, it is relevant to analyse the current position of credit institutions, as well as the tendencies of household crediting. In professional BA thesis the household lending is being analysed in theoretical and practical aspect. Theoretical part of consists of the whole meaning of crediting and the whole operating actions of crediting system is being outlined, excluding the mutual interaction of its parties. The analysis of household‘s financial status and economical state has been done, which is tied up to tendencies of credit market by analysing country‘s inner state, as well as the whole impact of it in the context of Euro zone. The practical part of BA thesis consists of the analysis of household’s credit loan portfolio, its dynamics, structure, as well as the common state and quality provided by JSC SEB bank. The comparative analysis has been done based on competitors on the market. After ascertaining loan portfolios, the price of credits in banks, that has been analysed, is outlined, which leads the households to choosing the best and optimal option. The main objective of the research is to evaluate the household’s loan portfolio in JSC SEB bank after analysing the process of household’s crediting process and financial state. To execute this research, scientific literature, statistical data, Lithuania’s and Europe’s Central bank’s data has been examined. The evaluation of JSC SEB bank’s loan portfolio has been based on the data of financial reports and explanatory notes., as well as the results of banking activities provided by Association of Lithuanian banks. After conducting the research it has been appointed, that households and mortgagees have this reciprocity by taking part in the whole credit system when the bank distributes and uses its funds for crediting. After examining the tendencies of the credit market it has been ascertained that the net worth of loans provided to households have grown by the tenth in the last year, up to 8.8 billion Eur and reached its historical peak. The whole data and information, after conducting this research, leads to a conclusion, that the crediting process for households in JSC SEB bank is one of the most significant practices. And properly managed credit risk allows to ensure a proper quality of credit portfolio. The work consists of 62 pages, 8 tables, 28 figures, 45 references and sources of information and 3 appendices en
dc.description.abstract Dabartinė kreditų įstaigų paskolų portfelio padėtis, kai paskolos namų ūkiams užima beveik puse viso tokių įstaigų paskolų portfelio, leidžia suprasti, kad namų ūkių finansinė padėtis ir elgsena daro labai reikšmingą įtaką visos šalies finansų sistemos stabilumui. Todėl svarbu išnagrinėti kreditavimo rinkos padėtį šalyje bei namų ūkių kreditavimo tendencijas. Besivystanti finansinių paslaugų rinka, gali visuomenei pasiūlyti vis didesnį kreditavimo paslaugų asortimentą, todėl labai svarbu yra suvokti bent elementarius finansinius produktus ir atskirti jų privalumus ir trūkumus, suvokti esamą ir būsimą riziką ir sugebėti pasirinkti labiausiai poreikius ir namų ūkio gerovę atitinkantį variantą. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject Namų ūkis, finansinė būklė, kreditas, kredito rinka, paskolų portfelis. en_US
dc.title Namų ūkių kreditavimo AB SEB banke tyrimas en_US
dc.title.alternative Households Lending at JSC SEB Bank Research en
dc.type Other en_US

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