Baigiamaje bakalauro darbe buvo įvertintas bronchų astma sergančių ir skirtingus inhaliavimo prietaisus naudojančių Jonavos vaistinių pacientų inhaliavimo technikos taisyklingumas ir farmacijos specialistų galimybės padėti.Išnagrinėjus mokslinę - dalykinę literatūrą bei atlikus duomenų analizę buvo pateiktos išvados. Darbą sudaro įvadas, du skyriai, išvados, rezultatų publikavimas, literatūros sąrašas bei priedai.
Darbo apimtis – 47psl. 19 bibliografinių šaltinių.
Relevance of the topic. Asthma is a chronic inflammatory respiratory disease characterized by reversible airway obstruction and increased bronchial reactivity, which is most often caused by various non-specific irritants or allergens. The pathogenesis of allergic asthma is not entirely clear, but it is known that even 35-95%. In all cases, genetics and heredity play a major role. There are over 300 million in the world. people with asthma and it is estimated that in the next 10 years this figure could rise to 400 million. Each year, about 250 thousand deaths due to this disease. people. Bad inhalation technique is a major problem in controlling asthma, because the patient does not receive the optimal prescribed dose, thus reducing the effectiveness of the treatment and the asthma becomes poorly controlled. This topic is relevant for doctors, respiratory therapists and nurses and pharmaceutical specialists to consult on inhalation technique related issues. efficient and equitable use of these medical devices, as well as understanding the difficulties faced by patients with these devices.
The objective of research. To evaluate the correctness of Jonava's pharmacy patient inhalation technique and the possibility of the help of pharmaceutical specialists to evaluate bronchial asthma and different inhalation devices.
Research tasks:
1. Ask for the risk factors for bronchial asthma, uncover the key aspects of this complex disease, and the changes that this disease affects the body, theoretically explain the treatment and correct use of inhalation devices.
2. Develop guidelines for bronchial asthma patients and pharmacists to avoid mistakes in order to reduce the risk of asthmatic bout worsening through various inhalation devices.
3. Identify the most common mistakes made by pharmacists in patients using different inhalation devices.
1.Search method-tracking method chosen. The research instrument, the chosen and established scheme (Attachment No.1), is intended for patients' observation and data acquisition. The aim of this method is to find out the mistakes of patients' inhalation techniques.
2. The data analysis results are processed by the Microsoft Office Excel 2007 and Microsoft Office Word 2007 computer programs. A descriptive and comparative analysis was performed. Draw graphs and tables according to the received data.
Research results. The study also revealed that 63% The subjects do not inhibit respiration for 10 seconds after inhalation, resulting in incomplete absorption of the medicinal product in the lungs. It can be argued that only 37% Those who hold breath for 10 seconds after inhalation receive the maximum dose. 70 percent The study participants do not make a 60-second break between inhalations, resulting in only 30% absorption. doses of medicine. Only 30 percent participants in the study understand the importance of this step and make the necessary break. It is important to emphasize that what part of the drug passes into the lungs depends very much on whether the patient's inhalation technique is appropriate, and such mistakes as inappropriate inhalation opening may result in insufficient absorption of the drug. It should be noted that after the demonstration study, the participants' ability to break inhalation improved. If before the show, it took just 30% of the breaks between inhalations. after the demonstrations of such subjects was already 48%. It should be noted that after the demonstration 77% The participants in the study did not forget to exhale air from the lungs before inhalation. Compared to the demo, such subjects accounted for 60 percent. This shows that the demonstration helped the subjects better understand how to properly perform the inhalation procedure.
Conclusion. An analysis of scientific literature has revealed that bronchial asthma is a chronic inflammatory respiratory disease. There are a number of risk factors that cause this disease, but it is still not clear what is causing the constant increase of this disease in the world. Three main types of medicines are used to treat asthma. A quantitative study analysis revealed that most participants in the study did not know that using powdered inhalers after 10 hours of inhalation breathing would have to be delayed, suggesting that patients did not receive the full dose. Also, most participants in the study do not know that after each inhalation, it is necessary to check the amount of doses left in the inhaler, which means that it is possible to state that patients are not familiar with the correct use of devices.