DSpace talpykla

Asistavimas gydytojui odontologui atliekant dantų implantavimo procedūras

Rodyti paprastą įrašą

dc.contributor.author Juočytė, Živilė
dc.date.accessioned 2019-02-26T07:29:22Z
dc.date.available 2019-02-26T07:29:22Z
dc.date.issued 2018-06
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/980
dc.description Živilė Juočytė. Assisting to a dentist during dental implantation procedures. The final paper. Scienfitic advisor: Margarita Žemaitė. Kauno kolegija / University Applied Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Departament of Oral Health. - Kaunas, 2018. Relevance of work: the chosen theme for the final work is relevant, as dentists who perform dental implantation procedures, works with assistants. It is important to find out how dental assistants help implantologist during implantation procedures. They have to prepare patients for the procedure, prepare a workplace, workplace tools, provide the necessary materials and arrange everything after procedures. Work objective: Disclosure of doctors' dental assistants to their doctor during the dental implantation procedure. Work tasks: 1. Theoretically examine the history of dental implants and to find out the structure of dental implants. 2. Discuss how dental implantation procedures are performed and how to maintain the oral cavity after procedures. 3. Assess how dental assistants prepare procedures for the workplace, or provide patients with the necessary information about the procedure and the period of healing thereafter and assists in procedures. Brief description of the work. In the final bachelor's thesis, the history of the implant was analyzed, what is implantation procedures, and how to maintain implants in the human oral cavity. Depending on the theoretical part, an interview was conducted by interviewing dental assistant doctors about their work with dental doctors who perform dental implants. Interviews were also conducted with the dental doctors themselves about their assistants' activities. Empirical research methodology: literary analysis method, interview method, statistical analysis method and generalization method. Conclusions: 1. Dental implants were introduced before 2000 on the continents of North and South America. The implants consist of three main parts: a screw, a support and a crown. 2. Dental implantation procedure is when an artificial tooth implant is screwed to the place of the tooth. Dental implants should be treated in the same way as permanent teeth. 3. Not all doctors' dental assistants assist dental practitioners during implantation procedures. en
dc.description.abstract Dantų implantavimo procedūras atlieka gydytojai odontologai – implantologai. Procedūrų metu jiems padeda gydytojų odontologų padėjėjai. Jų darbas iš pradžių užpildyti visus reikiamus dokumentus skirtus implantavimo procedūrai bei užpildyti paciento kortelę. Jie paruošia pacientus dantų implantavimui, paruošia darbo vietą ir instrumentus. Pačios procedūros metu jie gydytojui paduoda visas reikalingas medžiagas ir instrumentus. Po procedūros jie sutvarko darbo vietą bei dezinfekuoja ir serilizuoja instrumentus en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject Asistavimas, gydytojas odontologas, dantų implantavimas en_US
dc.title Asistavimas gydytojui odontologui atliekant dantų implantavimo procedūras en_US
dc.title.alternative Assisting to a Dentist During Dental Implantation Procedures. en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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