DSpace talpykla

Raseinių kredito unijos veiklos analizė

Rodyti paprastą įrašą

dc.contributor.author Milkintaitė, Vykintė
dc.date.accessioned 2019-02-25T08:46:52Z
dc.date.available 2019-02-25T08:46:52Z
dc.date.issued 2018-06-05
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/964
dc.description Vykintė Milkintaitė. Research of Raseiniu Credit Union Operational Activities. Professional BA thesis. Academic Supervisor – Lecturer Audrius Lukoševičius. Accountancy and Finance Department, Faculty of Management and Economics, Kauno Kolegija/ University of Applied Sciences. - Kaunas, 2018. 54 pages. Nowadays, more and more credit unions are collapsing in Lithuania. During the last six years, thirteen credit unions has suspended its activities, they were collapsed. Due to the specific requirements for the management of the credit unions, there are most regulatory defects. In order for credit unions to find their own problem areas that may pose a risk of bankruptcy, it is necessary to look at the activity results, dynamics and various indicators for a certain period of time. Sometimes credit unions offer customers more favorable conditions than banks, therefore, it would be desirable that they would expand their activities in Lithuania and become more popular. For these reasons, it is worth exploring the theme of this work by acquiring knowledge that helps you track the activities of credit unions and spot problems in a timely manner. In this bachelor thesis, we will analyze the Raseiniai Credit Union belonging to the Unified Central Credit Unions Association. This union has a large number of members, so this analysis will ensure maybe the right choice for RCU members. The main problem of the professional BA thesis - how did the results of the Raseiniai Credit Union work during a certain period and what were the defects in its regulation of activity? The aim of this work is to analyze the financial statements of Raseiniai Credit Union, to analyze its activities and identify problem areas. Methods of the research - using various scientific articles, online sources and other literature, analyze the financial statements of RCU and calculate indicators according to certain formulas by Excel calculator. The structure – the theoretical part discusses the concept of a credit union, documents regulating their activities, indicators and guidelines that help to evaluate their activities. In the practical part, the selected credit union is introduced, the research results are presented and the largest problems of the Raseiniai Credit Union are identified. The results of the work showed that the analysis of the RCU is operating profitably and efficiently, it manages the costs and assets well. Its performance analysis is significantly better than the comparative Rato Credit Union. This credit union was offered to strengthen its weaknesses, i.e. financial and investment activities, capital sustainability and labor costs. The work consists of 54 pages, 12 tables, 29 figures, 30 references and sources of information, 5 appendices. en
dc.description.abstract Šiais laikais Lietuvoje žlunga vis daugiau kredito unijų. Per pastaruosius šešerius metus Lietuvoje savo veiklą sustabdė, t.y. žlugo trylika kredito unijų. Dėl specifinio unijų valdymo reikalavimų, dažniausiai šioms apstu reguliavimo ydų. Kad kredito unijos rastų savo problemines sritis, kurios gali kelti bankroto riziką, reikia išnagrinėti tam tikro laikotarpio veiklą, dinamiką, įvairius rodiklius. Kartais kredito unijos klientams pateikia palankesnes sąlygas nei šalies bankai, todėl norėtųsi, kad Lietuvoje jos plėstų savo veiklą ir populiarėtų. Dėl šių priežasčių verta išnagrinėti kredito unijų veiklą įgyjant žinių, kurios padeda sekti kredito unijų veiklą ir laiku pastebėti problemas. Šiame bakalauro darbe bus nagrinėjama Jungtinei centrinei kredito unijų (JCKU) asociacijai priklausanti Raseinių kredito unija. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject Kredito unija, veiklos analizė, finansinės ataskaitos, probleminės sritys. en_US
dc.title Raseinių kredito unijos veiklos analizė en_US
dc.title.alternative Research of Raseiniu Credit Union Operational Activities en
dc.type Other en_US

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