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Paslaugų pardavimų organizavimas viešbutyje „Best Western Santaka“

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dc.contributor.author Statauskaitė, Airija
dc.date.accessioned 2019-02-22T06:45:00Z
dc.date.available 2019-02-22T06:45:00Z
dc.date.issued 2018-06-06
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/959
dc.description Statauskaitė A. Sales organization at “Best Western Santaka” Hotel. Supervisor lect. Vilma Tamošauskaitė-Rimydienė. Kaunas College. Faculty of Management and Economics, Tourism and Hotel Management Studies Program. Kaunas, 2018. 54 p. Sales are a part of the organization business, without which the success of any business is impossible. It is therefore always relevant and meaningful to analyze how the sales effectiveness is ensured in the company. Sales of hotel services are also specific – it has its own channels, pricing principles and a range of sales promotion measures. The organization of sales must be oriented not only to the conclusion of the transaction but also to the satisfaction of the client, which determines that the hotel services will be chosen by him in the future. Object of work: organization of selling services at “Best Western Santaka” Hotel. The aim of the work: to analyze the process of organizing the sales of services at the “Best Western Santaka” hotel. Tasks of this paper: 1. To analyze the scientific literature determining the concept of sales of hotel services, the structure of this process and the assumptions of efficiency in choosing sales methods, channels, pricing and promotion strategy. 2. To carry out a service sales analysis at “Best Western Santaka” hotel. 3. Conducting an interview to consider the attitude of the “Best Western Santaka” hotel executives towards the organization of services sales and improvement opportunities. 4. To identify the direction of improving the organization of services sales for “Best Western Santaka” hotel. The theoretical part of the work determined how the attitude of hotel services and the sales process itself had changed in the last decade, allowed to identify the most efficient ways of selling hotel services, channels, pricing principles, sales promotion measures. Practical part consists of the “Best Western Santaka” hotel sales organization practice characterization, analysis of interview with hotel’s executives, SWOT analysis. It was found that “Best Western Santaka” hotel have introduced a sales promotion system focused on both new customer search and promotion of loyalty. To increase customer loyalty it is advisable to personalize services, use various cost-effective sales promotion tools. More attention should be paid to motivate employees. Thesis consists of 54 pages, it contains 7 tables, 6 figures. The literature list consists of titles is 47. en
dc.description.abstract Pardavimai yra tokia organizacijos veiklos sritis, be kurios neįmanoma bet kokios įmonės verslo sėkmė. Todėl visuomet išlieka aktualu ir prasminga analizuoti, kaip įmonėje yra užtikrinamas pardavimų efektyvumas. Viešbučio paslaugų pardavimas taip pat specifiškas – jis pasižymi savitais kanalais, kainodaros principais, pardavimo skatinimo priemonių asortimentu. Pardavimo organizavimas turi būti orientuotas ne tik į sandorio sudarymą, tačiau ir į kliento pasitenkinimą, kuris lemia, jog viešbučio paslaugos bus pasirenkamos ir ateityje. Teorinėje darbo dalyje buvo nustatyta, kaip remiantis pastarojo dešimtmečio tyrimais kinta požiūris į viešbučio paslaugas ir patį pardavimo procesą. Identifikuoti viešbučio paslaugų pardavimo būdai, kanalai, kainodaros principai, pardavimų skatinimo priemonės. Praktinėje dalyje charakterizuojama viešbučio „Best Western Santaka“ pardavimų organizavimo praktika, vertinant viešbučio atstovių pasisakymus identifikuojamos pardavimų tobulinimo galimybės, atliekama SSGG analizė. Darbo apimtis – 54 puslapiai, jame yra 7 lentelės, 6 paveikslai. Literatūros sąrašą sudaro 47 pozicijos. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject Paslaugų pardavimas, organizavimas, viešbutis, pardavimo procesai en_US
dc.title Paslaugų pardavimų organizavimas viešbutyje „Best Western Santaka“ en_US
dc.title.alternative Organization of the service sales in the Best Western Santaka Hotel en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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