Baigiamajame bakalauro darbe buvo paaiškintos cukrinio diabeto rūšys, klinikiniai simptomai, rizikos veiksniai, komplikacijos, gydymas bei profilaktika. Aprašyta farmacijos specialistų teikiama farmacinė paslauga.
Nustatytas sergančių cukriniu diabetu ir gretutinėmis ligomis požiūris į farmacijos specialistų teikiamą farmacinę paslaugą. Išnagrinėjus mokslinę - dalykinę literatūrą bei atlikus duomenų analizę buvo pateiktos išvados. Darbą sudaro įvadas, du skyriai, išvados, literatūros sąrašas, priedai. Darbo apimtis – 56psl. 66 bibliografinių šaltinių
Ugnė Zakarauskaitė, Kauno Kolegija / University of Applied Sciences, pharmacotechnics cathedral student, fulfilled bachelor‘s degree thesis, which had topic “Provision of pharmaceutical care of patients with diabetes and concomitant illness”.
Aim: To reveal the provision of pharmaceutical care of patients with diabetes and concomitant illness provided by the pharmacists.
Objectives: 1. To present the types of diabetes, clinical symptoms, risk factors, complications, treatment and its prevention. 2. To introduce the pharmaceutical care provided by the pharmacists for local and hospital pharmacies. 3. To describe the attitude of individuals who have diabetes or concomitant illnesses towards the pharmaceutical care provided by the pharmacists.
Methods: Scientific literature analysis. Semi-structured interview. Quantitative content analysis.
Research background: 6 informants from diabetes society “Viltis” who have diabetes and concomitant illness were questioned for this research.
Results: 6 informants have type 2 diabetes. All informants regarded the symptoms as insignificant therefore the disease was found incidentally. The majority of patients were prescribed with the treatment of biguanide and sulphonamides treatment. What should be highlighted is that diabetes had no impact on the development of concomitant illness whatsoever. Four out of six informants evaluate the pharmaceutical care positive, by stressing the possibility of having control of their illness. Care is provided not only orally but in writing as well, i.e. leaflets; they are more convenient for patients, who have visual memory. All informants are informed when and how to take medicine. Moreover, when purchasing non-prescriptive medicine and vitamins the patients receive useful recommendations. Based on the interview, a conclusion can be drawn, that none of the informants have received any information or recommendations about the possible diabetes complications, however regular information about minor health disorders is provided. The lack of time and inappropriate environment are the main factors that affect the consultation of patients.
Conclusions: The majority of informants evaluate the pharmaceutical care positive, by stressing that they can control their illness. Care is provided not only orally but in writing as well, i.e. leaflets. All informants are informed when and how to take medicine. The majority of recommendations are received when purchasing non-prescriptive medicine and vitamins. The informants claim, that they don’t get enough information from the pharmacists. However, consultations about minor health disorders are provided regularly.