DSpace talpykla

AB „Grigeo“ finansavimo šaltinių tyrimas

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dc.contributor.author Laurinavičiūtė, Eglė
dc.date.accessioned 2019-02-20T08:46:26Z
dc.date.available 2019-02-20T08:46:26Z
dc.date.issued 2018-06-05
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/947
dc.description Eglė Laurinavičiūtė. Research of financial sources of AB “Grigeo”. Professional BA thesis. Academic Supervisor – lecturer Lina Paliulienė. Accountancy and Finance Department, Faculty of Management and Economics, Kauno Kolegija/ University of Applied Sciences. - Kaunas, 2018. 45 pages. The core of each business is finance. Their sources are diverse - own, borrowed, shortterm or long-term, generated inside or outside the company. It is very important that the company has the amount of capital they need, and also that it is used correctly. Company financing sources can be analysed by its financial statements structure and dynamics. It is also necessary to determine the financial position of the company, which is best reflected in the analysis of financial ratios. The aim of the professional BA thesis is to analyse the sources of funding of AB “Grigeo”. To achieve this, it is analysed the structure and dynamics of the company's financial statements and its relative financial indicators. In the theoretical part is analysed the financial sources of business. In the practical part of the work is analysed the financial condition and sources of financing of AB “Grigeo” in the period of 2013 – 2017. After analysing the company's sources of financing and the company's financial condition, it has been established that the company is operating profitably and has no major problems other than liquidity problems. The majority of company assets are funded by the equity capital, but debt is increasing year by year. However, the capital of company could be used more efficiently according the earnings, because profits are not very high, and most financial indicators are not good enough. en
dc.description.abstract Kiekvienos įmonės veiklos pagrindas – finansai. Jų šaltinių būna įvairių – nuosavų, skolintų, trumpalaikių ar ilgalaikių, susidariusių įmonės viduje ar už jos ribų. Labai svarbu, kad įmonėje būtų reikalingas kiekis vienokio ar kitokio kapitalo, taip pat, kad jis būtų teisingai panaudojamas. Įmonės finansavimo šaltinius galima išanalizuoti pasitelkiant jos finansines ataskaitas, nagrinėjant jų struktūrą bei dinamiką. Be to taip pat būtina nustatyti, kokia yra įmonės finansinė padėtis, kurią geriausiai atspindi finansinių santykinių rodiklių analizė. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject Finansavimo šaltiniai, tyrimas, finansavimas, kapitalas. en_US
dc.title AB „Grigeo“ finansavimo šaltinių tyrimas en_US
dc.title.alternative Research of financial sources of AB “Grigeo” en
dc.type Other en_US

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