DSpace talpykla

UAB „Gama“ finansinių rezultatų analizė ir prognozavimas

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dc.contributor.author Mikalajūnaitė, Agnė
dc.date.accessioned 2019-02-20T08:00:19Z
dc.date.available 2019-02-20T08:00:19Z
dc.date.issued 2018-06-05
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/944
dc.description Agnė Mikalajūnaitė. Research of Financial Results and Forecasting for UAB "Gama". Professional BA thesis. Academic Supervisor Lecturer Jolita Radzevičė, Accountancy and Finance Department, Faculty of Management and Economics, Kauno Kolegija/ University of Applied Sciences. – Kaunas, 2018. 45 pages. The head of each company is required to monitor and evaluate the financial status of the company using financial analysis in order to ensure the company's competitive position in the market, good financial results and further existence. Financial analysis makes it possible to spot the weaknesses of the company as soon as possible and to take measures that will help to avoid the unexpected difficulties. Planning and foreseeing activities are also important for business. Therefore forecasting helps to assess future perspectives and predict the financial status of the company. The main problem of the thesis – competition between companies seeking to attract as many customers as possible. In order to compete with other companies, it is necessary to use a financial analysis that provides a lot of useful information and makes it possible to make the right decisions. The aim of the work – to perform the analysis of the financial status and to forecast activity results of UAB "Gama". Methods of the research – financial analysis methods, graphical presentation, comparative data analysis, theoretical – educational material, scientific literature, software "Microsoft Office Excel". The financial reports of UAB "Gama" and UAB "Omega" are used. The structure – the theoretical part discusses the concept of financial analysis, meaning and objectives, types, as well as describes financial indicators and financial forecasting. The practical part of the work introduces the results of the activities of UAB "Gama", financial analysis are performed and financial analysis results and forecasts are presented. To summarise the results of company's activity, it can be stated that UAB "Gama" is operating profitably and efficiently. The company settles very quickly with suppliers and its activity is independent from external sources of funding. In order to reduce the solvency-liquidity risk of the company, suggestion is to reduce short-term liabilities by utilizing equity capital, to increase existing resources, to regulate cash flows and to attract as many new customers as possible. The completed activity forecast of UAB "Gama" for 2018 showed that the company will continue to operate profitably. The work consists of 45 pages, 13 tables, 12 figures, 17 references and sources of information, 20 appendices. en
dc.description.abstract Kiekvienos įmonės vadovas, norėdamas užtikrinti tolimesnį savo įmonės gyvavimą, privalo stebėti bei įvertinti įmonės finansinę būklę. Norint užtikrinti įmonės konkurencingumą rinkoje, gerus finansinius rezultatus ir puikią įmonės būklę, reikia pasitelkti finansinę analizę. Finansinė analizė leidžia kuo greičiau pamatyti įmonės silpnąsias puses bei imtis priemonių, kurios padės išvengti gresiančių sunkumų. Taip pat įmonėms svarbu planuoti ir numatyti savo veiklą. Būtent prognozavimas padeda įvertinti ateities perspektyvas bei numatyti įmonės finansinę būklę. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject Finansinių rezultatų analizė, finansinė būklė, prognozavimas, veiklos rezultatai en_US
dc.title UAB „Gama“ finansinių rezultatų analizė ir prognozavimas en_US
dc.title.alternative Research of Financial Results and Forecasting for UAB "Gama" en
dc.type Other en_US

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