DSpace talpykla

„Jūratės Gulbinienės įmonė“ sausainių marketingo komplekso tobulinimo sprendimai

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dc.contributor.author Kručaitė, Simona
dc.date.accessioned 2019-02-20T07:08:49Z
dc.date.available 2019-02-20T07:08:49Z
dc.date.issued 2018-06
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/940
dc.description Simona Kručaitė. Professional BA thesis. Improvement solutions for Jūratė Gulbinienė Enterprise. Supervisor Lecturer Vilija Mieliauskienė. Department of Administration Faculty of Management and Economics, Kauno Kolegija/ University of Applied Sciences, - Kaunas, 2018. 53 pages. Description. According to 2017 years statistic research, the manufacture of confectionery products increased by 6,7 %. Jūratė Gulbinienė Enterprise takes consumers, which constantly changes their choices into account and aims to improve the marketing mix solutions of confectionery products. The main problem. What factors influence the choice of the Jūratė Gulbinienė Enterprise cookies? The aim. To submit improvement solutions for Jūratė Gulbinienė Enterprise cookies marketing mix. Methods. Quantitative method (survey), scientific literature analysis, analysis of enterprise data, statistical data analysis. The structure. Analysis of the marketing mix that is based on various authors and sources is provided in the first part. Description of the Jūratė Gulbinienė Enterprise activities the main events, staff, internal and external environment, analysis of the present marketing mix for cookies and SWOT analysis are introduced in the second part. Description of the quantitative survey and analysis of it’s results are discussed in the third part. The fourth part contains proposals based on the results of the research findings. The results. Improving the marketing mix is very important for consumers. As the Jūratė Gulbinienė Enterprise aims to remain a strong company in the market, product development is necessary. In the course of the study, the lack of advertising was revealed. Therefore, it as proposed to increase the awareness of the company by applying advertising in open space and on the cars, flyers and participate in the exhibitions. The work consists of 53 pages, 8 tables, 34 pictures, 27 references and sources of information, 1 appendices en
dc.description.abstract Pirmoje darbo dalyje analizuojama marketingo kompleksas remiantis įvairiais autoriais ir šaltiniais. Antroje darbo dalyje aprašoma „Jūratės Gulbinienės įmonė“ veikla, svarbiausi įvykiai, darbuotojų statistiniai duomenys, vidinė bei išorinė aplinka, marketingo komplekso analizė, SSGG analizė. Trečioje dalyje atliekamas kiekybinis tyrimas (apklausa), aptariami tyrimo rezultatai. Ketvirtoje dalyje pateikti pasiūlymai remiantis tyrimo rezultatais pagal atliktą tyrimą. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject marketingo kompleksas, marketingo komplekso tobulinimas, marketingas en_US
dc.title „Jūratės Gulbinienės įmonė“ sausainių marketingo komplekso tobulinimo sprendimai en_US
dc.title.alternative Improvement solutions for Jūratė Gulbinienė Enterprise en
dc.type Other en_US

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