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Viešbučio „Europa Royale Kaunas“ konkurencingumo didinimas rėmimo priemonėmis

Rodyti paprastą įrašą

dc.contributor.author Žulytė, Miglė
dc.date.accessioned 2019-02-20T06:57:52Z
dc.date.available 2019-02-20T06:57:52Z
dc.date.issued 2018-07
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/937
dc.description Miglė Žulytė. Professional BA thesis. Strengthening hotel‘s „Europa Royale Kaunas“ competitiveness by using promotion mix. Supervisor Lecturer Vilma Pauparienė. Kauno Kolegija/ University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Management and Economics, Department of Business Management. – Kaunas, 2018. 59 pages. Description of the (professional BA thesis). In this paper, there is analysis of hotel “Europa Royale Kaunas” competitiveness and analysis of ways of how it can be increased with the help of promotion measures. It is important to talk about this subject, because the number of tourists in Lithuania is growing and countries economy is rising. In addition to this, hotel market is expanding and competition is increasing. The main problem of the (professional BA thesis) – increasingly, companies are choosing to communicate with their users online, and recently they have been particularly popular with social networking. Compared to its competitors, “Europe Royale Kaunas” does not use the online opportunities for communication with consumers. The aim – analyze the hotel’s “Europa Royale Kaunas” competitiveness and select promotion measures to strengthen it. Objectives: competitiveness of hotel “Europa Royale Kaunas”. Methods – scientific literature analysis, competitor analysis, SWOT analysis, company document analysis, analysis of questionnaire data. The structure – the theoretical part discusses the concepts of competition and competitiveness, focuses on the benefits of competitiveness and its strategies and what effect the promotion mixes has on it. The practical part of the work introduces hotel’s “Europa Royale Kaunas” position in market. In the final, third part, decisions of which promotion measures to use to solve the problems that were found from analysis and increase hotel’s “Europa Royale Kaunas” competitiveness are presented. The results/conclusions. Analyzing hotel competitors and survey data, the hotel Europa Royale Kaunas is well-known and recognizable. However, analyzes also highlighted several problem areas: the lack of communication on the internet, little noticeable advertising and lack of information about the hotel. Short suggestions. It is suggested to solve the problem areas by increasing the participation on Facebook social network by creating content, changing the content of advertisements, increasing its intensity and adjusting company's website to make it more informative. The work consists of 59 pages, 13 tables, 20 pictures, 42 references and sources of information, 1 appendice. en
dc.description.abstract Baigiamojo darbo teorinėje darbo dalyje aptariama konkurencingumo ir konkurencijos samprata, konkurencingumo pranašumai ir strategijos bei kaip naudojant rėmimo priemones galima padidinti įmonės konkurencingumą. Analitinėje darbo dalyje analizuojama „Europa Royale Kaunas“ viešbučio padėtis rinkoje. Yra pristatomas viešbutis ir jo konkurentai, vykdoma konkurentų analizė, išskiriami „Europa Royale Kaunas“ viešbučio konkurenciniai pranašumai. Analizuojama viešbutyje naudojamos rėmimo priemonės išskirtoms vartotojų grupėms. Apžvelgiami tyrimo rezultatai. Projektinėje darbo dalyje, parenkamos tinkamiausios rėmimo priemonės ir sprendimai išsikeltoms probleminėms sritims spręsti ir konkurencingumui stiprinti. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject Konkurencingumas, rėmimo priemonės, efektyvumas, viešbutis. en_US
dc.title Viešbučio „Europa Royale Kaunas“ konkurencingumo didinimas rėmimo priemonėmis en_US
dc.title.alternative Increasing the competitiveness of „Europa royale kaunas“ hotel by using promotion tools en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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