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Finansavimo šaltinių tyrimas AB „Smiltynės perkėla“

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dc.contributor.author Kriūnas, Audrius
dc.date.accessioned 2019-02-19T11:03:46Z
dc.date.available 2019-02-19T11:03:46Z
dc.date.issued 2018-06-05
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/926
dc.description Audrius Kriūnas. AB „Smiltynės perkėla“ Funding Sources Research. Professional BA thesis. Supervisor - lecturer Danutė Binkienė. Accountancy and Finance Department, Faculty of Managament and Economics, Kaunas University of Applied Sciences. Kaunas, 2018. 44 pages. It is often the case, when either the business entity or a person doesn‘t have enough equity to fulfil their plans and wishes. In these conditions, when the needs exceed resources, the help of a third party is required to fill in the gap. However, a lot of work is required to determine an optimal solution to such problem. Thus why it is important to research all of the “ups and downs” to decide a correct funding source. The main problem of the professional BA thesis. Before starting a company or it‘s expansion project, it is important to determine a correct capital raising way – company‘s financial resources The aim of the professional BA thesis. Analysis of the funding sources in business and AB „Smiltynės perkėla“ Objectives of the professional BA thesis. 1. Theoretical analysis of potential business funding sources 2. Determine what funding sources AB „Smiltynės perkėla“ uses 3. Funding sources prognosis of 2018 The structure. Theoretical part of the work discusses funding sources term, it‘s connection to capital, long and short term funding sources. The practical part of the work provides AB „Smiltynės perkėla“ information, performance indicators, funding sources analysis and prognosis Research of AB „Smiltynės perkėla“ funding sources has led to the conclusion that, the company uses subsidy as the main funding source and because of it in latest analyzed year the company made close to 50 percent profit of the total sales. Leasing is another method company uses, by having the main company‘s income generating methods (ferries) obtained that way. The work consists of 44 pages, 12 tables, 11 figures, 23 references and sources of information, 13 appendices. en
dc.description.abstract Baigiamajame bakalauro darbe aptarta finansavimo samprata, finansavimo šaltiniai ir jų metodai. Išskirti dažniausiai literatūros šaltiniuose naudojami finansavimo šaltiniai. Išanalizuota ir įvertinta įmonės veiklos apžvalga. Išnagrinėti pagrindiniai įmonės veiklos rodikliai ir atlikta finansavimo šaltinių analizė. Atlikta finansavimo šaltinių prognozė. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject Finansavimas, šaltiniai, tyrimas, finansavimo šaltiniai en_US
dc.title Finansavimo šaltinių tyrimas AB „Smiltynės perkėla“ en_US
dc.title.alternative AB „Smiltynės perkėla“ Funding Sources Research en
dc.type Other en_US

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