DSpace talpykla

Tėvų finansinės padėties įtaka vaikų burnos sveikatai

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dc.contributor.author Urmanavičiūtė, Dominyka
dc.date.accessioned 2019-02-14T08:04:27Z
dc.date.available 2019-02-14T08:04:27Z
dc.date.issued 2018-06
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/879
dc.description Dominyka Urmanavičiūtė. Influence of parental financial situation on children's oral health. Final work. Lecturer Algė Miliukienė; Kauno kolegija/University of applied science, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Oral Health, Kaunas, 2018 The relevance of the topic. There are a number of factors that have a different influence on children's oral health. For example, parenting motivation, employment, availability of information, and etc. Also, one of them is financial situation of the family. Scientists in America (Brodish et al., 2000) have investigated the fact that people's mortality and poor health are caused by unequal human incomes. The investigation lasted for nine years and has been attended by 2.5 million. families It would also be interesting to investigate Lithuanians oral health based on human incomes. Purpose of the research: - To determine the influence of parents' financial situation on children's oral health. The object of the research - Influence of parental financial situation on children's oral health. Problematic issue. How does parents' financial situation affect children's oral health? Research tasks: 1. The theoretical justification of what is oral health. 2. Describe children's health, diseases, their etiology, and pathogenesis. 3. To substantiate theoretically financial situation of Lithuanian families. 4. To identify the parental financial situation influence on children's oral health, according to parents opinion. Research methods: Using a random quantitative research method, a study was conducted. 384 questionnaires were distributed and 290 respondents participated and answered. The research results have been analyzed using Microsoft Office Excel and Word programs which are submitted in the final work. Results of the survey: There were not many significant differences between the different income earners, so it just proved that the financial situation of parents does not have a significant impact on children's oral health. Work consists of 50 pages, 21 pictures, 25 literature sources, 1 appendix. en
dc.description.abstract Burnos sveikatos samprata. Vaikų burnos sveikatos priežiūra, ligos, jų etiologija ir patogenezė. Lietuvos šeimų finansinė padėtis. Tėvų finansinės padėties įtaką vaikų burnos sveikatai remiantis tėvų nuomone. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject Burnos sveikata, burnos higiena, vaikų dantų ligos, įgūdžių formavimas,šeimų ekonominė padėtis en_US
dc.title Tėvų finansinės padėties įtaka vaikų burnos sveikatai en_US
dc.title.alternative Influence of Parental Financial Situation on Children's Oral Health en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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