DSpace talpykla

UAB „Kava su knyga“ knygyno „Pegasas“ pardavimų didinimas

Rodyti paprastą įrašą

dc.contributor.author Meižytė, Eglė
dc.date.accessioned 2019-02-14T07:21:38Z
dc.date.available 2019-02-14T07:21:38Z
dc.date.issued 2018-05
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/870
dc.description Today's market situation gives many challenges for every business: rapidly changing consumer demands require constant renewal of goods or services; there is a constant need to strengthen market positions in order to remain competitive, be able to respond timely to financial, legal or technological changes in the country. Therefore, success in business is often driven by the ability of a company to place new goods or services on the market, the ability to have sufficient financial and human resources, and creativity to properly use all forms of sales promotion. Work Problem - The investigated business market offers a great deal of products and competition there is constantly increasing. Consequently, the company must constantly think about what is missing in the Taurage City market, how to attract new customers and how to keep the existing ones. Therefore, the problem arises: what means "Pegasas" bookstore “UAB Kava su knyga” could use in order to increase sales and strengthen its position in the market? Work object – the sales of “Pegasas” bookstore, “UAB Kava su knyga” Work aim – to reveal the possibilities of increasing sales of “Pegasas” bookstore, “UAB Kava su knyga” Work tasks: 1. To theoretically examine the means of sales promotion. 2. To describe the influence of external environmental factors on sales of “Pegasas” bookstore, “UAB Kava su knyga”. 3. To analyse the means used to increase sales of “Pegasas” bookstore, “UAB Kava su knyga”. 4.To foresee the improvement of the means used to increase sales of “Pegasas” bookstore, “UAB Kava su knyga”. Work methods - the analysis of Lithuanian and foreign authors' scientific literature, methods of comparison and generalisation, corporate document analysis, questionnaire survey, observation, interviews. The first section of the paper presents the product range of the company and the importance of its formation in increasing sales, the price and its effect on sales, the importance of trading company services for sales, relationship with customers management, the importance of supporting measures for sales and the influence of external factors on the company's sales. In the second chapter of the work, the possibilities of increasing sales opportunities of “Pegasas” bookstore, “UAB Kava su knyga” are analysed. Also, company's characteristics, research methodology are presented. In addition, the factors of the company's external environment that influence sales are being analysed. Used promotion sales tools, the evaluation of the sales promotion measures used from the point of view of the consumer provides solutions for improvement of sales promotion: to establish advertising in different parts of the city, to increase company's awareness about the offered range of goods, to create a website, to produce handmade postcards and organise meetings with authors. en
dc.description.abstract Dabartinėje konkurencinėje aplinkoje įmonė, norėdama prisitraukti naujų klientų su tikslu siekti pardavimų didinimo, privalo naudoti pardavimų didinimo bei skatinimo priemones. Įmonės susiduria su sudėtinga ir besikeičiančia išorine aplinka ( Kotler, Armstrong, 2014). Sėkmę versle lemia atkaklumas sudominti rinką savo idėjomis, gebėjimas užsitikrinti pakankamus finansus ir įžvalgumas stengiantis pardavimo didinimo būdais įmonę paversti pelninga ir ilgalaike (Verslo žinynas, 2017) en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject Franšizės sutartis, konkurencinis pranašumas, pajamos, pardavimo skatinimas en_US
dc.title UAB „Kava su knyga“ knygyno „Pegasas“ pardavimų didinimas en_US
dc.title.alternative Increase of sales at “Pegasas” bookstore, “UAB Kava su knyga” en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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