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UAB „Alfa“ finansinės būklės ir veiklos rezultatų tyrimas

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dc.contributor.author Jorudaitė, Jolanta
dc.date.accessioned 2019-02-14T07:18:58Z
dc.date.available 2019-02-14T07:18:58Z
dc.date.issued 2018-06-04
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/869
dc.description Jolanta Jorudaitė. Analysis of company‘s “Alfa” financial status and its performance research. Final thesis. Supervisor lecturer Jolita Radzevičė, Accountancy and Finance Department, Faculty of Management and Economics, Kauno Kolegija/ University of Applied Sciences. Description of the work. In order to ensure the company's financial stability, it is necessary to continuously analyze the financial performance. It is not enough to calculate individual financial ratios to determine the company's financial position and its forecast. For accurate results and conclusions, it is necessary to compare data and indicators with each other, compare it with industry ratios, monitor their dynamics and establish the factors determining the change. The main problem of the thesis. There are circumstances in business activities that can’t be prepared in advance. The financial position assessment provides a wealth of useful information that can be used to make more precise and substantiated operational, tactical and strategic business decisions. However, it is unclear whether the made decisions will be applied and will help to avoid problems. The aim of this thesis is to investigate theoretical aspects of the financial analysis and to evaluate the financial condition of UAB “Alfa”, make a forecast of its’ results the coming year. Methods of the thesis. The theoretical part is based on analytical, systematic techniques that have been used for classifying scientific and other literature. Methodological aspects of activity economic effectiveness have been discussed in the practical part of the work analyzing company's performance and financial position. Comparative analysis of data, graphical representation method and comparison are used to provide the results. Forecasting the company’s results using these forecasting methods: sustainable growth rate, the percentage of sales method and extrapolation The structure. The first theoretical part of the work discusses about theoretical aspects of financial analysis of various Lithuanian and foreign authors, the relative indicators used for financial analysis of the activity and methods of forecasting. The practical part of the work introduces the company and the results of the research about its’ performance indicators and other used analytical methods. The third part of the thesis introduces the results of forecasting the company’s “Alfa" results using these forecasting methods: sustainable growth rate, the percentage of sales method. The results show that the company's main problem is unstable performance results, therefore, it is difficult to assess the current financial situation and future opportunities. The forecasted results showed that company don’t have the potential to achieve better and higher results in the future. The work consists of 47 pages, 10 tables, 19 figures, 22 references and sources of information, 12 appendices. en
dc.description.abstract Baigiamajame darbe atlikta UAB „Alfa“ veiklos rezultatų analizė ir numatyta ateities perspektyvų prognozė. Kad būtų galima nustatyti įmonės finansinę būklę ir numatyti jos prognozes, neužtenka apskaičiuoti pavienių finansinių rodiklių. Siekiant tikslių rezultatų ir išvadų, būtina lyginti duomenis ir rodiklius tarpusavyje, lyginti su šakos rodikliais, stebėti jų dinamiką ir nustatyti pokyčius lemiančius veiksnius. Darbe aptariama finansinės analizės ir prognozavimo reikšmė bei nauda, teoriniu aspektu apžvelgti finansiniam veiklos vertinimui skirti santykiniai finansiniai rodikliai. Pristatomi ir apskaičiuojami įmonės pelningumo, mokumo-likvidumo ir efektyvumo rodikliai, atliekamas gautų rezultatų palyginimas su ta pačia veikla užsiimančių įmonių šakos finansiniais rodikliais. Atlikta įmonės veiklos prognozė ir remiantis gautais rezultatais, apskaičiuoti tolimesni veiklos rodikliai. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject Veiklos rezultatų tyrimas, finansinė analizė, prognozė en_US
dc.title UAB „Alfa“ finansinės būklės ir veiklos rezultatų tyrimas en_US
dc.title.alternative Analysis of company‘s “Alfa” financial status and its performance research en
dc.type Other en_US

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