DSpace talpykla

AB „Telia Lietuva“ mobiliojo ryšio esamų klientų lojalumo stiprinimas

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dc.contributor.author Barakauskas, Šarūnas
dc.date.accessioned 2019-02-12T10:55:44Z
dc.date.available 2019-02-12T10:55:44Z
dc.date.issued 2018-07
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/834
dc.description Šarūnas Barakauskas. AB ‚Telia Lietuva‘ current clients loyalty improvement within used mobile connections. Supervisor Lecturer Rasa Šabrinskienė . Kauno Kolegija / University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Management and Economics, Department of Business Management. - Kaunas, 2018. 62 pages. This work analysis AB ‚Telia Lietuva‘ current clients loyalty within used mobile connections. Furthermore, it analysis reasons upon people leaving their network and choosing different operator. A significant consumer migration can be seen as evidence of competition between network suppliers. This leads to necessity to elucidate how to preserve clients, satisfy their needs and importance of extending the contract. A loyal customer is the guarantor of each company's stability, so it's crucial to figure out how to keep current customers. The main problem of the AB ,,Telia Lietuva’’: According to the latest data in 2017, in the fourth quarter, 1452 users left the Telia network less than come. This is by far the biggest number compared to others networking companies. As a result, it is important to analyse ways of preserving a client. The aim of the AB ,,Telia Lietuva’’- Find reasons which has an impact on client loyalty and present solution of its growth. Objectives of the AB ,,Telia Lietuva’’: 1. Analyze the theoretical aspects of customer loyalty. 2. Find out how customers value AB ,,Telia Lietuva‘‘ loyalty program. 3. Find out which factors are key to extending mobile service contracts to our customers. 4.Provide solutions for increased customer loyalty of Telia Lietuva AB mobile communication services. Methods: analysis of scientific informative sources, data collection, descriptive investigation, mapping of positioning, questionnaire survey. The structure - First part discusses theoretical aspects of customer loyalty. Also, it studies benefits of loyal client, loyalty modes, consumers loyalty program types. Analytical part carries out research of AB ,,Telia Lietuva’’ clients loyalty, analysis consumers and loyalty implement. The project part prepared decisions of AB ,,Telia Lietuva’’ customers loyalty increase. As well as it identifies a problematic situation and builds loyalty program. Results: The results shows that a loyal client is 3 to 10 times cheaper to maintain rather than a new client. For this reason, loyal client becomes a guarantee of stabile enterprise. 2015-2017 year saw a rise in Sim mobile network consumers. Consumers depicts current loyalty prgram as unnatractive, while only 5 percent of consumers continuos to use the same loyalty program. Clients for the loyalty desire to have a larger amount of the Internet or get discounts to their mobile plans. In response to the need, two new loyalty programs are created to allow customers to have up to 4GB more Internet data or a cheaper payment plan up to 15%. Suggestions: Taking into account the changing need for loyal customer consumption, new conditions are offered that suit the current mobile user. Providing the recipient with a choice of several alternatives. For the E-Generation segment, for loyalty, provide a plan that has more mobile Internet data, allowing rational consumers to have discounted subscription plan fees. The work consists of 62 pages, 18 tables, 27 pictures, 32 references and sources of information, 1 appendices. en
dc.description.abstract Baigiamojo darbo teorinėje pirmoje dalyje aptariami lojalumo teoriniai aspektai, atliekama lojalumo sampratos analizė, ištiriama, kokią naudą įmonei teikia lojalūs klientai, tiriamos lojalumo būsenos, išsiaiškinama, kokios yra lojalumo matavimo priemonės bei vartotojų lojalumo programų rūšys. Analitinėje dalyje atliekama AB ,,Telia Lietuva‘‘ mobiliojo ryšio klientų lojalumo analizė, rengiamas įmonės veiklos pristatymas, atliekama vartotojų analizė, lojalumo priemonių analizė. Atliekamas lojalumo priemonių vertinimas vartotojų aspektu, aptariamos tyrimo išvados nustatomi duomenys, kurie bus naudojami projektinėje dalyje. Projektinėje dalyje rengiami sprendimai AB ,,Telia Lietuva‘‘ mobilaus ryšio paslaugos klientų lojalumo didinimui. Probleminės situacijos identifikavimas, atliekamas lojalumo programos kūrimo procesas. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject Lojalumas, vartotojas, mobilusis ryšys. en_US
dc.title AB „Telia Lietuva“ mobiliojo ryšio esamų klientų lojalumo stiprinimas en_US
dc.title.alternative Strengthening the Loyalty of the Existing Clients for the Telia AB Mobile Service en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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