DSpace talpykla

Greito maisto užkandinės Ant ratų verslo kūrimas Kauno mieste

Rodyti paprastą įrašą

dc.contributor.author Gasparėnas, Tomas
dc.date.accessioned 2019-02-12T10:50:29Z
dc.date.available 2019-02-12T10:50:29Z
dc.date.issued 2018-07
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/833
dc.description Tomas Gasparėnas. Establishing the Fast Food Restaurant Business Ant ratų in Kaunas City. Supervisor lect. Laura Aidukienė. auno Kolegija/ University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Management and Economics, Department of Business Management. - Kaunas, 2018. 68 pages Fast economic development, globalization changed people‘s lifestyle. It become mor active, faster. Becouse of that fast food becoming more and more popular, fast food‘s industry become bigger. After market‘s analysis established that fast food bistro, which specifics- kebabs in Kaunas city, are a lot and competition is really big in this market. If company want‘s to hold on in this competitive market it has to be differnet in some ways. The main problem of research (professional BA thesis). There isn’t mobile food bistro, which specializes in kebabs production by Indian recipes in Kaunas city. The aim of research (professional BA thesis). To estimate fast food’s bistro setting up and business development possibilities in Kaunas city and to prepare development possibilities plan. Methods of the (professional BA thesis). Analysis of scientific literature, questionnaire survey of Kaunas city population, statistical data analysis, graphical representation method. The structure. This professional bachelor final work consist of: summary in Lithuanian and English languages, introduction and three parts which are split up. There are indicated work relevance, work problem, object, aim and tasks in introduction. First part of this work is about fast food bistro setting up and development opportunities. There are justified business concept theoretically and justified main business organization forms, overview fast food bistro’s activities peculiarities in this first part. You will find research in second (analytic) part of this work. There is justified research methodology and organization theoretically, overview fast food market in Kaunas city, analysis of research results in this part. Fast food bistro’s business development possibilities plan is in third part of this final work. There are presented sponsorship plan, pricing, legal setting up company’s status in this part. Also third part is about companies productive and organizational plan, financial sources, financial prognoses, risks solutions analysis. The results/conclusions. The main business idea is fast food bistro on wheels. Setting up company will be MB. Main activity – to prepare fast food snacks. When someone setting up company they need to pay attention to all the laws and legal acts (companies setting up laws, labour code, fees laws, food production laws). Company will start after half a year, for documentation and permissions will need to pay 225,33 Eur. Activity will be in truck. The main expenses will be salaries, which will be 46 798,98 Eur per year. The work consists of 68 pages, 19 tables, 31 pictures, 41 references and sources of information, 7 appendices. en
dc.description.abstract Baigiamąjį darbą sudaro: santrauka lietuvių ir anglų kalbomis, įvadas, trys dalys, kurios suskirstytos į atskiras dalis. Pirmojoje darbo dalyje, kuri suskirstyta į atskiras dalis, nagrinėjamas baigiamojo darbo objektas – greito maisto užkandinės steigimo ir verslo vystymo galimybės, teoriškai pagrindžiama verslo samprata ir pagrindinės verslo organizavimo formos, apžvelgiami greito maisto užkandinių veiklos ypatumai. Antrojoje (analitinėje) darbo dalyje atliekamas tyrimas. Teoriškai pagrindžiama tyrimo metodika ir organizavimas, apžvelgiama greito maisto rinka Kauno mieste, analizuojami tyrimo rezultatai. Trečiojoje darbo dalyje pateikiamas greito maisto užkandinės verslo plėtros galimybių planas: pateikiamas rėmimo planas, kainodara, teisinis steigiamos įmonės statusas. Pateikiamas įmonės gamybinis bei organizacinis planas, taip pat pateikiami finansavimo šaltiniai, pateiktos finansinės prognozės, rizikos sprendimo būdai. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject Verslas, verslumas, verslo kūrimas, greitas maistas, užkandinė. en_US
dc.title Greito maisto užkandinės Ant ratų verslo kūrimas Kauno mieste en_US
dc.title.alternative Establishing the Fast Food Restaurant Business Ant ratų in Kaunas City en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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